Because there is nothing quite like securitizing feta cheese-backed securities and selling it to a whole new batch of widows and orphans. And topping it all off is a proposal to address a global change in accounting principles that will make sure that an accurate representation of any bank's balance sheet becomes a distant memory: <blockquote> More controversially, the Commission will consider whether the use of fair value or pricing assets at the going rate in a new globally agreed accounting rule "is appropriate, in particular regarding long-term investing business models". </blockquote>To summarize: forced savings "mobilization", the introduction of a collective and involuntary CapEx funding "savings" account, the return and expansion of securitization, and finally, tying it all together, is a change to accounting rules that will make the entire inevitable catastrophe smells like roses until it all comes crashing down. So, aside from all this, Europe is "fixed." The only remaining question is: why leak this now? Perhaps it's simply because the reallocation of "cash on the savings account sidelines" in the aftermath of the Cyprus deposit confiscation, into risk assets was not foreceful enough? What better way to give it a much needed boost than to leak that everyone's cash savings are suddenly fair game in Europe's next great wealth redistribution strategy. </blockquote>Sad how people insist on making the same mistakes over and over again.
Wow. Let's not fix the problem at it's root, no, let's make EVERYONE suffer to prolong this shit scam. This is wealth confiscation pure and simple. This is most certainly by premeditated design, years in the making. People in high places have become so brazen and insulting, they are overtly shitting on the populace - not only taking their money happily to drive them further down the crapper, but devising ways of leeching even more from those who empower them. How much longer can/will society enable it's own demise? When we do find ourselves at rock bottom, will we still let these psychopaths dictate our reality?
...and I move into a savings account invested at a compounded rate of 2.3% and....its gone Lol I think i butchered that but thats fkn hilarious part of the episode
It's amazing that people still believe the Keynesian nonsense that government "injecting" money into the economy somehow improves anything -- besides the growth of government. Confiscating money from the ruled, filtering it through the bureaucracies which all take their cut, and then giving it away to the politically-connected is no more productive -- and probably less productive -- than dipping water out of one end of a swimming pool and dumping it into the other end.
im not gonna defend or attack the keynesian economic theory but ive done a lot of research into the financial effects of 9/11 and I assure you we would have felt the effects for much longer had the fed not injected upwards of $75 bill into the banking system
They didn't though. All they did was pump out more worthless paper and enable inflation. It's like putting a used bandaid on a compound fracture and claiming to have healed the patient.
1. Quoting myself: "Confiscating money from the ruled, filtering it through the bureaucracies which all take their cut, and then giving it away to the politically-connected is no more productive -- and probably less productive -- than dipping water out of one end of a swimming pool and dumping it into the other end." 2. You assume that we can know what is down the road not traveled. 3. Not to mention that 9/11 was a reaction to government's actions in the Middle East -- or as the CIA called it, "blowback." So any whining about the negative economic effects of 9/11 can be laid at the feet of Washington.
i dont want to derail the thread, but how would 9/11 have effected somebody uninvolved with any of the stuff destroyed?
Planes couldnt fly, checks and packages were haulted which causes a float effect in the banking systems, not to mention the anyone holding assets based on major indexes
...sounds like somebody telling the peasants they can eat cake...we all know how that went the last few times...
well yeah. i had meant the actual action actions of plane crashing not the subsequent response though