Ethyl alcohol instead of Isopropyl to clean?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Calleja, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. My pipe is getting a bit resin-y and I wanted to clean it using the stickied guide in this section of the forum, but it recommends you use Isopropyl alcohol which I don't think is as widely or cheaply available down here as the more common every day Ethanol. This is the kind you get in big bottles at the pharmacy for cuts and scrapes and stuff.

    Would that work?
  2. it's $1 for a bottle of 91% ISO at wal-mart.
  3. I am not sure that's the case down here in Mexico, which is why I'm asking...
  4. ethel sucks. i bought it once by accident and even if it cost more i couldnt see a bottle being more than $4
  5. Ethyl will work fine. Just make sure it's high proof.
  6. Awesome, thanks.

    Would it also work in making KWISO?
  7. Ethyl alcohol is ethanol which is standard drinking alcohol.

    I very much doubt this is sold for cheap for cuts and bruises.
  8. Isopropyl alcohol is made from fermented wood grain, used for first aid applications and has other uses as well.
    Ethyl alcohol is made from fermented plants or fruit which means its the kind you actually drink. They both have disinfectant properties, but I don't know how well the latter will clean pieces.
  9. [​IMG]

    There are dozens of brands with even bigger bottles at every supermarket here. The norm was 96, but they've recently lowered it to 70 for the public

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