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Estimated yield

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ropsbr, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. So I got everything ready to start.
    A 80x80x160 growing tent and a 600w HPS lamp.
    I'm guessing that I will be able to fit around 5 plants into the tent.
    Is anyone able to give me a heads up on how much to expect after harvesting?
  2. If that's 80x80cm then you definitely aren't fitting 5 large plants in that tent I'd recommend a very short veg time... but realistically I'd recommend 1-2 plants and a scrog that's all you need.. otherwise just keep the 5 plants small or you will overcrowd that tent.. a 4'x4' is good for flowering 4 plants on average and you are working with less than that... a good sized plant needs at least a 2x2... unless you are looking for a sea of green type deal then I'd recommend just sticking them in 3gallon fabric pots and vegging 2-3 weeks before flip. And you can expect anywhere from 0.5-1lb just depending on experience and grow style whatnot... a LB may be a bit unrealistic in that space tbh I'm not to sure though.
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  3. nobody can tell you what you will pull . even an expert is not 100 % sure on this. they have a good idea but still second guess there self . 5 plants under 600 watts could get zero to 32. you likely will get 5 to 10 after you get a few more grows under your belt then you can go for more . most people only pull 1 to 3 per small plant .
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. I would do a single plant in a space that size. I've seen a single plant DWC with a 600 watt hps in a 3x3 yield a pound in the hydroponic section first grow. I find it hard to squeeze 4 or even 2 plants in my 4x4 bud tent. 4x4 is 80% bigger then a 3x3.

    First grow, mystery seed in top fed dwc

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  5. Let's see..LOL
    crystal bsll.gif
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  6. Ok I'll do 2 plants then and try to scrog. Thanks for the help guys!
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  7. And BTW when I do 2 plants should I do veg until the plants reach half the height of the tent? In this case 80cm tall
  8. Up to you you'll get a feel for it... most important thing is creating a nice canopy... my plants are only 16" tall but I'm hoping to pull a QP off my current baby regardless
  9. OK sure, I've got one more question (sorry for being a noob haha)
    When do I stop scrog training? Is it when I start the flowering phase?
  10. You'll still want to train into stretch but generally after a week or two of 12/12 they stop veg and just focus on bud.
  11. Thanks man! Shoutouts to you
  12. Might be stupid to say because it's obvious. You have to keep the canopy a good distance from that light, a 600 hps will fry you plants. So keep that in mind during veg state

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Don't ever say that again man. We ALL started out noobs. Nobody starts any hobby or career or whatever in any field as a pro - time; experience and making mistakes is how we learn our lessons and become better - so don't apologize man.

  14. Chuck Norris does
  15. I *AM* Chuck Norris.

    I just go by Jerry on GrassCity.

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  16. How much headroom does your light take up? You need space between the bulb and the plants or you'll burn the hell out of them. I would figure 18" minimum from the bulb, plus the height of the light box and hanging gear. It cuts the usable size of your tent appreciably.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. OP, @Hamjack gave u excellent advice. I would also look into heavily training your plants to get the most out of your space.

    Know what I mean?

    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. You need to take a lot into consideration with 6 feet total tent height. You need to figure you're going to lose 1 foot at the top for your lighting… Then you're going to lose another minimum of 1 foot and most likely 18 inches of height between your light and your canopy. Then you're going to lose another minimum of 12 inches for your container size... so that's a total of 3.5 feet out of 6 feet lost for incidentals. That leaves 2.5 feet total plant height - mature and finished.

    I'd personally start flowering when your plants are 12 inches tall; or if you have trained you are plants to 12 inches tall which means they could potential he be 2 feet tall, yet trained down to 12 inches tall. This will leave you 18 inches of plant growing height during flower, which they will most likely do.

    There's nothing worse than going crazy towards the end because you don't have enough height, with you frantically trying to tie your plants down so that they don't burn up.

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