
Discussion in 'General' started by Zypher, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Hey,
    I have to write an essay for my English class on Marijuana Use and Teens,
    Anyone here written one in the past I could use??

    - Zypher`
  2. Smoke some bud, be creative, and write. You should be beyond content with having a topic like this. Write it yourself that reflects what you believe not someone else. Have Fun! :)
  3. I think that's what I'll do!
  4. well my friend i recently did a research paper for my friend about industrializing hemp. now im sure thats not what you need but here is some good stuff about it. You will need to alter it in some way her and there so its not complete plagiarism but you have my permission to use it.

    but as for teens using it, i dont knwo you are on your own with that. i honestly dont care to write another essay for someone.

    Creating a New Future Through Hemp

    Considering the facts and analyzing the data, and considering that in this time of limited

    energy resources that the world has to offer, cannabis would help the world with its problem of

    pollution and building materials.

    Ezekiel 34/29 states: “And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no

    more consumed with hunger in the land”. This is very true when considering the more probably

    applications that can be used by hemp. Things like strengthened building materials, a better fuel

    source, paper, even plastic like textiles. Back in the 1600s, all paper was made using hemp or

    flax paper. Even used as a type of currency, hemp was often used to pay taxes from 1631 all the

    way up until the early 1800s. Even our founding fathers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson

    and many others, smuggled hemp seeds from China to France, then exported them to America.

    Also Ben Franklin owned one of America's first paper mills that produced hemp paper. For

    hundreds of years more than 90 percent of the materials on water vessels, sails, ropes, etc. were

    made from hemp. The word “canvas” is Dutch which means cannabis, which also brings another

    point that some famous painters, such as, Rembrandt and Van Gogh, painted on hemp linen. Up

    until the invention of the cotton gin in the 1820s, more than 80% of clothing, linen, drapes, bed

    sheets, etc. were made from hemp. In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that all forms of

    paper could be produced entirely from hemp by the 1940s and that there would be no reason to

    deforest, and that one acre of hemp crop is the equivalent of more than four acres of trees. When

    Henry Ford tested his first Model-T he had it built to specification to run off of hemp gasoline,

    as well as creating the vehicle itself out of hemp. The reason he made the first vehicle from

    hemp was because it was tested to be ten times stronger than steel. With all of these practical

    applications that can be used from hemp, and actually were, prior to its illegality. Popular

    Mechanics stated that the hemp plant produces 4 times as much pulp which thus produces four to

    seven times less pollution.

    Now with all of these facts and useful applications, why don't we use hemp to fix some

    of the modern problems that plague our planet? For example, the deforestation of the Brazilian

    rain forest has brought its size down to less than 8% of its original size in the past 150 years,

    says Scientific American Magazine, September, 06. Also that due to the deforesting, about 2

    billion tons of carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere per year. Where as the

    cultivation of hemp would create less emissions, due to the fact that hemp fiber is more dense

    than tree fiber and also grows a lot faster than a full sized tree would. In fact, it only takes 1 acre

    of 8 foot hemp plants, to equal 4.1 acres of 100 foot trees.

    Also oil would be less of a commodity and a heck of a lot cheaper if we switched to

    using hempen plastics. Hempen plastics are completely biodegradable and would return back to

    the environment completely safe. Oil based plastics on the other hand, (cellophane, celluloid,

    methanol, nylon, rayon, etc.) are all harmful to the environment when they begin to decompose.

    As of 2002, North America alone produces 28% of all global CO2 emissions mainly due to the

    high usage of petroleum and its products.

    The issue on world hunger could be reduced with hemp. Hemp seeds contain one of the
    highest sources of protein. Of the 20 amino acids required to produce one strand of protein,

    hemp seeds produce 16 of them. Including all of the essential acids that the human body does not

    already create on its own. Also the seeds produce 2 essential fatty acids that help clean out

    unnecessary cholesterol.

    Clothing is also another issue that can be addressed. There are some companies here in

    America that produce clothing made from 50% hemp. These fabrics often last many times longer

    than a pair of jeans that are made of cotton. They are so durable that you could pass things down

    from grandparents all the way to grand children.

    So all these possible solutions to so many problems this world faces, why did the

    government make hemp illegal? The theory behind that lies behind a man named Andrew

    Mellon who is often placed next to Andrew Carnegie, who help found the steel works that

    industrialized the world. When Mellon became President Hoover's Secretary of State he

    appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry Anslinger, as head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics

    and Dangerous Drugs. The connection here can be displayed as this: Carnegie, the steel works

    owner, found a new way to produce building textiles and thus made millions. When he ran into

    conflicts due to hemp and its products, he asked his dear friend Mellon, who was the uncle of the

    head of the Bureau, to help him out. And thus hemp was sought to be illegal due to it “being

    responsible for car accidents, and loose morality, and acts of violence”. Then films were made

    both to encourage use and to prevent use. Many views were placed on the table but in the end in

    September of 1937, hemp was made illegal. After this, many more dollars were made in the oil

    and coal industry.

    Dupont started making things from oil, like plastic and other synthetic products. And thus

    making more money due to the inability to make things from hemp. To justify the suffering of

    other companies that produced things from hemp, the government stated that marijuana made

    people more violent and was the most violent drug known to man. Yet in the 50s, during the

    threat of Communism, Anslinger now said that marijuana will create a peaceful feeling in the

    user and pacify them and not wish to fight or be violent.

    The idea of hemp being such a terrible drug is ridiculous and should be reconsidered. Let

    us consider other substances. Alcohol: we all love it, but what about how many deaths it creates

    per year. More than half a million deaths per year are caused by alcohol, whether it be from

    drunken driving, or over usage, or Molotov cocktails. Also another thing that isn' illegal:

    cigarettes. Cigarettes cause more than half a million deaths per year also. Whether it be from

    lung cancer, any form of mouth cancer, or bronchial tube cancer. No one has yet to die due to the

    affects of hemp. The only form of hemp is when you smoke it. Of course something that does

    not belong in the lungs will hurt you. But ingesting the THC, the active component of hemp, has

    been proven to prevent asthma, and glaucoma. Just a small amount of hemp ingested, will open

    the blood vessels and increase blood flow to every part of the body. Also hemp has been used to

    treat the uncomfortable nausea created from chemotherapy.

    With how much trouble our planet is in, the excess of greenhouse gasses, the limited

    amount of oil we have left in our reserves, the extremely shorted rain forest supply, the

    medicines we could be using, the stronger materials that we could have and save money on. If

    we were to simply industrialize hemp, much of these problems could be reversed. We need to

    start some where.
  5. Holy shit, he gave you a whole essay. Yeah, man...just smoke a bit and go with the flow. If you're like me, you'll have a whole spiel ready for it anyway. Best of luck bro.
  6. This is what I have so far, I'm not sure what else needs to be mentioned.
    Anyone know how I should finish it off?

    - Zypher`

  7. yeah maybe next time people wont be so reluctant to take my scientific information.

    like i always say, i know what im talking about. just cuz i wasnt involved in the production of any of this info doesnt mean i dont know it.

    that is great info, maybe add some info as to it helping circulate blood. and add some stuff about the psychological effects, like that it is an anti depressant, and that it is not considered addictive. and then go into the meaning of addiction: meaning that one is physically dependant of the substance and cannot function physically with out it in their system, and then bring in some crazy drug like meth which is on the other end of the spectrum and say that meth is truly addictive because after a certain amount of use, one must always have it in their system or other wise they will convulse and show other signs of bodily damage.

    kind of skirting the issue but thats to show that it really isnt addictive like some say. and then maybe stick in some stuff about in young people it helps bring out a creative side that doesnt often show when not using the substance.
    so far its doing pretty good.
    put up the whole thing when you are finished and ill plus rep you on the "hard" work.
  8. Thanks for the advice!

    - Zypher`

  9. good idea on contrasting the biggest rising drug vs mj... compare the two like he said and write how our jails are being filled with petty marijuana affences, which makes up 7X more than any other industrialized nation, when law enforcement agency should be concetrating on other "real" drugs and other bigger crimes. Also state your opinion and others opinions on why marijuana was prohibited- from racism to the government controlling your thinking. Just be fun with it and write it smoothly.
  10. i think you also need to add more stuff like maybe why people use it.

    i dont really know why i do, i just like it, i like the effect, i like the feel, i like how on the days that i have nothing planned, that i can smoke a bowl and the boredom seems to go by a little more and usually i will actually get up and go someplace to hang out with friends and we often do things constructive or creative. and in fact i feel more lazy when i dont smoke.

    and you can use that as a quote in your paper. say you interviewed some people that smoke and they gave you their opinion on it.

  11. im pretty sure you copied that all from the internet, but this part in particular, ive read exactly on every anti pot site ever.

    ok and also talk about why its harmless:
    less adicting than caffiene
    less toxic than most foods we eat daily (cant realistically od)
    smoke is actually -decent for lungs (helps with asthma)
    fights/ slows growth of cancer, as well as alzheimers
    reduces stress
    no brain damage, or permenant effects (the "burnt-out" type is that way due to their other choices or own motives)

    and then talk about why itll help the us in so many damn ways, shit i need to find a class where i can write a weed paper

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