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essay help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pipee the stone, May 4, 2011.

  1. Well today my teacher assigned me a 1500 word essay on anything i choose, and as a true stoner:smoke: i want to do it on that awesome plant we call marijuana. I'm here to ask what do you think I should mention on my essay and what would be some hey topics....all help is appreciated. Oh it all has to go in like 7-10 paragraphs and each paragraph will be intro/body/outro....if you have nothing nice to say please don't post on here:)
  2. wtf just hand in something you already wrote in the past
  3. If you insist on writing a paper on marijuana, which is typically a bad idea in the first place, because most teachers will have opposing views, do it on something mature at least, like how legalization will benefit not just medical users, but society as a whole.
  4. Be sure to put in that you smoke it daily especially for school and you will likely get an A
  5. i would turn in a paper from the past but i really want to do it on the topic of marijuana.....also really like teachers here are open minded about it but they dnt do it...even the principle here tells us about his past stoner experiences...
  6. that would be funny if i did.....there cool about it though as long as i do my work through they dnt mind it
  7. Whatch "The Union"
    This will give you an enormous amount of information and scientific evidence to prove...

    [ame=]The Union[/ame]#

    BTW - If you have Netflix you can stream it...

  8. #8 Sickleg, May 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I disagree, the vast majority of teachers are liberal as FUCK and probably even have smoked in college and shit. Don't even get me started on English teachers LOL!!
  9. OMG yes my english teacher was such a stoner also.....he also teaches guitars which makes him the much more awesome
  10. I would make an outline after watching The Union and research your favorite or key points. For example, you could write a bit about marijuana prohibition and its history and then move on to modern views, popularity, recreational and medicinal use.
  11. thats true i just bearly saw the first 5 minutes and i got so much info....
  12. I had to write a term paper for a court judge this semester and I did it on mj.. Just make sure if you start with all good stuff to throw in the bad stuff as well.. A few of the propagandas.. Touch on schizo since it is an actual side effect in some people.. Then close with something positive about it being illegal.. Keep your personal opinion out of the paper.. If you are going to do it just be smart about it..


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