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Epileptic here, My first joint, I thought I was seizing...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by aelwyn, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Last night I hit my very first joint of some mid-grade I-dunno-what That my cannabis club guy threw in for free.

    I took three big tokes, and waited.

    Next thing I know, I'm high as shiza, and my head feels like it is being pulled down and to the left by an invisible force and is making me want to move my head in twitchy little circles. I have a history of epilepsy, and take Dilantin to control it, and its my goal to eventually get off dilantin, and onto some homegrown. THe weird part of this, my first high too, My ears were focusing in on like the high frequency hum of a ceiling fan and that *whum,whum,whum,whum* was SHooting threw my body, like energy ripples! It would have been a kewler feeling, If I didn't have my head feeling like it was being sucked down onto my shoulder, wanting to seize up. It was weird, I could feel my bodies energy, and I felt like it was clogged up in certain places and that I was basically underwater feeling all these ripples. I could fight the feeling, but when I would give into it, a bit at a time, I would start shaking. Was I walking a border line here? It's got me a little anxious.

    Did I green out? Too much for the first ever hit? Next time Ima take one hit and just bottle up the joint and wait...see if it happens again.

    Any other epileptics feel this way?

    Oh, P.S. THis sounds like an INdica strain to me, what do you think? Heavy body high, and energy waves.
  2. Yeah you just got really high and bugged out a bit. Invest in a water pipe and weigh out .1 and take it all in one snap and proceed to pack more if nessicarey until you gain a tolerance.
  3. You took 2 hits too many.Wait 5 minutes between hits....
  4. I wish I could get blazed after 2 hits.
  5. You were probably just high, your first time getting really high is usually scary if your not prepared.
    Sounds like you had a heavy body from the indica.
    Were you very anxious? Maybe you were having a panic attack which is pretty common in newbie smokers who dont know what they are getting in to.
  6. Next time, don't think about how you're feeling, just go with it and chill. Sounds like you smoked some good bud. Not sure about weed and seisures but I thought it helped stopped seisures, so maybe your boddy wanted to seize and the weed was preventing it and you were stuck in a borderline state. If thats the case, then I'd say smoke more.
  7. I'm thinking you just got really high man. The first time is always the strongest. Every time you toke now it will slowly start to feel more normal and natural.

    I felt the same "energy wave" thing when I first got high too. Whatever I touched, I felt the texture all over my skin and it was pulsating. Only happened once though :)
  8. this.

    More like 2 bowls now :bongin:
  9. Take one hit next time and just relax. The more you worry about what's happening, the worse it will get. If you just take a couple of deep breaths and listen to some music, you'll feel fan-fucking-tastic.

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