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  1. Any one out there use cannabis and has epilepsy? Been going through different meds trying different things. Anybody get relief from this
  2. One of the first medical users I knew, way back in the 70s, was an epileptic musician named Joey. Joey told me that he could reduce his meds by half when he had cannabis. (He'd sell the extras to buy more pot! lol ) He provided one of the first clues that led to my creating the List.

    If you check your email, you'll find you have a PDF of my List, as you requested. :DIn the List, there is a whole section on Epilepsy, which I am sure you will find to be most interesting reading.

    Granny :wave:
  3. I personally have epilepsy and have found a good reaction when i use medical marijuana, Its the reason i got my card. It relaxes my tension and Anxiety caused by the epilepsy. When i asked my neurologist about it, he simply said, "smoke as much pot as you want," I still take my medications but am hopping to be off them within the year :D
  4. I've had different doctors tell me different things most of the ones I've been to, which are doctors in the Houston, tx area, have told me I shouldn't be using cannabis. My doctor that I have now sees benefits and problems with this medicine. I'm on 3 different antiseizure medications with a lot of side affects manly dealing cognitive issues you know speech memory anxiety so on..... Cannabis really relives a lot of this and much more, basically I'm wondering is there people out there with these issues or I'm I just making all this stuff up. I need help
  5. I was diagnosed with Abnormal frontal lobe discharges, my seisures themselves were Absence seizures although i have had one grand mal before and i was prescribed Depakot for all that. Well Depakote sucked because it made me feel weak and robotic, everything tasted shitty, and i would sometimes get nauseated amongst other side effects. So i said fuck it and weened myself off the Depakote and now I smoke herb atleast 3 times a day and have not had a seizure in over atleast two years. Hope Cannabis helps ya out like she did for me.
  6. a friend of mine has epilepsy amongst other disorders and he was heavily medicated for a long time. eventually he was partnered with an epilepsy dog and through that relationship he was able to cut down on medication drastically and hasn't had a seizure since he met the dog, if i'm not mistaken.
  7. Been on depakote among many, my doctor has started bring up surgery, pretty scary stuff. I don't want to lose any knowledge that I have now including spirituality, basic world knowledge and life knowledge. I'm not using the best quality of herb, in Texas you have this problem but I think if I had the right type of cannabis and the right ratio of thc and Cbd I think the herb would be more beneficial. Anyone thing so
  8. Been on kepra for the past 2 years, It give me THE WORST Anxiety i have had. Nothing helps it but pot, it also highly effects my memory, speech, focus and also seems to give me anger problems. Since epilepsy is a Neurological disorder all the medications are very powerful and are directly targeting the brain, thats why anxiety and anger are the most common side effects among the medications, your not alone, lol.

  9. I thought dogs were simply there to "detect" seizures for their owners, wonder how your friend's seizures were reduced, maybe the stress relief and comfort the dog brings?? interesting stuff.

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