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Epic Stonerfood Place.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by morpheus, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Well yesterday it snowed a lot, so I had pretty much nothing to do. My friends decided they wanted to go to a park near my house where there was big ass hills we could sled down. I didnt really feel like going because I'm too old to be sledding but whatever, I was high. I brought my new bong there so we built a dug out igloo in one of the hills and we baked the shit out of it.

    After that we were starving, I realize I hadn't eaten all day. So we start walking. The legit first place we see is this place called "Phatsos", which happens to sell both Philly Cheese steaks and fried oreos at the same establishment, fucking perfect.

    We walk in, soaked from the snow, and sit down. They have anchorman playing on a flatscreen right in front of us. The guy comes over chill as fuck and says "well our munchie food is like halfway down the menu." he follows up with "you guys are so fucking stoned its awesome"

    So i ordered so complex sandwhich and fried oreos, it was pretty boss. Anyway, I woked up today and took the illest shit of my life and realized i had to tell the city about how ill this place Phatsos is. The people there are totally stoner friendly. He even said that if we were shitfaced late at night at a party that we should come here because no one walks in late at night.
  2. Gelares man, eating waffles and ice cream high is so fucking hard though :(
  3. ahah, maybe ill find one if i take a trip to australia oneday.
  4. #4 Nairb, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    Munchies 420 Cafe, located in Sarasota, FL..

    Check out their menu.

    Munchies 420 Cafe

  5. Fuck I wish I lived in FL, that website made me laugh so hard lol.
  6. OM6!! That sound's like my dream job (as of now) still would rather make millie's...But damn that restaraunt looks hella fun:D (Late nite deliveries stoned off your ass @ 2 or 3 in the morning delivering another stoner his/her food):hello:
  7. Yeah and their food is, for lack of a better word, amazing.
  8. CHeBA HUT

    CHeBA HUT | Menu

    Looks chill, sounds like good food. I've never been though, there's not one around here.:(

    I think i found out about it from a different thread here though.
  9. You had me at fried oreos.
  10. ah, right in my backyard :D
  11. Oh shit I've been to munchies. Tried the hot wing challenge and about fainted after the first one. goddamn the pain was horrible... the wings were freakin black
  12. the best thing to eat when your ripped is this, if your down to cook up some crazy shit
    [ame=]YouTube - Meatball Deathstar - Epic Meal Time[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - TurBaconEpic Thanksgiving - Epic Meal Time[/ame]
  13. Amazing. I must find a resturant like any of these ones around here pronto.
  14. When im high i like to eat at ihop or dominos. smoothie king is also pretty crazy
  15. I'm visiting Sarasota this weekend and I'm so gonna give this place a try tomorrow. :hello:
  16. I wish I knew about this Cheba place earlier, there everywhere in Arizona. Gotta go there one day:smoke:

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