Epic Drug Bust

Discussion in 'General' started by impactfour, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2uqJ4xTx8k"]YouTube - DEA Official Announces Successful Drug Bust On Son's Room[/ame]

  2. gotta love the onion
  3. i <3 onions
  4. Damn.... they found the magazine...
  5. i saw this a while back haha
    what a fuckhead.
    just proves to you how selfless these people can be.
    our families are not the enemy.

    its those goddamn spidermites.
  6. wow what a dickhead.
  7. onion news is probs my favorite youtube channel, everything they do is funny. post ur faves peeps
  8. lol @ people taking this seriously, obviously a joke.

    but it did make me laugh
  9. Thats how it is where i live cept in real life its the young city cops out tryin to bust everyone for a little sack of green. So fuckin pointless and stupid. Everyone i know has multiple simple posessions on their record including me. JUST LET US SMOKE OUR LITTLE SACKS OF WEED IN PEACE!!!!!!!!
  10. I love the Onion and damn his sons got the hook ups if he is getting 1/8th + for 45 bucks. Real cops would over exaggerate that value at like 300 bucks. His bag does look like it has been pinched though.
  11. Damn Lovejoy... Your bag got pinched....

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