Environmentalism as Religion

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by CosmicSerpent, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. I searched and couldn't find a thread dealing specifically with this topic, so let me know if there is one.

    So as we all know, one of the rising national and world issues these days is the environment, including global warming and the use of our natural resources. Some call it the greatest threat to the existence of mankind, while others regard it as propaganda and an exaggeration, and some go as far as to say it's a big conspiracy with a hidden agenda.

    However, I think it's safe to say at this point that the trend has caught on. Society as a whole has accepted and embraced this movement, and we are seeing the beginning of an effort to change and be more environmentally friendly. The media has accepted it, the government is starting to accept it, and a large portion of the general public is clearly "buying" into it. It's become a lifestyle in every way.

    Yet there still exists a large group of influential figures who dismiss most of the claims put forth by global warming and other environmental movements. People who say we really have nothing to worry about and that the Earth can take care of itself. The planet is just going through a phase like it always has throughout its history. This is what led me to contemplate the following:

    What if the environmental movement is the beginning of the next major widespread religion in human history?

    I first started reading about this theory in Michael Crichton's speech titled "Environmentalism as Religion". Here's an excerpt:

    You can read he whole thing here:

    Similar views have been expressed by Ann Coulter, Tom Clancy, and Bron Taylor. Although I definitely don't agree with their political beliefs (especially not Coulter's), I do think they're all on to something (mainly Crichton).

    My opinion is that there is some truth to the environmentalist movement, but many parts of it have been exaggerated and conformed to reach a premature conclusion. Obviously there are some measurable changes in our environment, but what is unclear is to what degree it was brought on by human influence. I don't think the whole thing is a giant conspiracy, but I do think there are certain individuals with influence who have led it in the direction it's going. Based on the current evidence, I see no reason for anyone to say conclusively what is causing global warming. Could be entirely our fault, could be partially our fault, could be completely independent of our existence.

    However, I do still think it's a good thing to be at least somewhat environmentally friendly. The fact that we don't know for sure is all the more reason. Taking the necessary preparations now could prevent such a crisis in the distant future, regardless of what currently may or may not be currently happening with the polar ice caps. We should be investing in more efficient resources and not relying on increasingly expensive, limited fossil fuel.

    But the reason that environmentalism has caught on and become so popular is because it appeals to the same human psychological needs as religion. I wouldn't be surprised if people in the future worship the Earth literally like a god... it could even replace Christianity one day.

    What are your thoughts? And is this necessarily a bad thing?
  2. Seriously no one has a response to this? Come on, we have some insightful minds here. Did I make the post too long or what?
  3. Not to long ago people were burned at the stake for believing in anything other than Christianity, and it is christianity that has molded our socity no matter how hypicritical it may be. You can see already that there are quite a few faiths that label the earth as holy and sacred. Look at indigenious North American tribes, Wicca etc. I truely believe global warming is real and the rising of western civlization is solely to blame, raping the earth, and only they have the power to revese it's effects. Will they? That is to be debated. In my opinion Humans will consume until its to late. I personally don't know that I would label Environmentalism as a Religion.
  4. No, I must admit that I figured the same people would respond the same way to your question as they did to mine: "Is Science a religion?" Let me think a little about what I want to say and I'll post something. :p

    By the way, I'm always a fan of your posts/threads. :) Keep them up, even in the face of apathy. ;)
  5. I really don't think it will catch on much. Just like predators will eat until they have nothing left then die out and maintain balance, we will do the same thing. All living things consume until they are full, digest then continue consuming. I suppose its just the nature of survival. I know it is possible for us to maintain a balance but that would take concern for other beings that we as a whole just don't have right now. Maybe one day something will spark inside of us that brings us closer to nature but thats another thread...

    In response to the thread as of right now environmentalism will be nothing more than fad. One of my flaws is my lack of faith in mankind.
  6. environmentalism has unfortunately already become a religion because it brooks no counter argument-- anybody that doesn't think that St. Al and his movie aren't the 'tits' is just plain wrong and they don't get it-- i mean, how can u be against people that are so convinced that they are trying to save 'us' and our planet?-- they will not entertain ANY dissent-- it's enough to make me want to throw a plastic coffee cup on the sidewalk just to piss them off-- Regards, probus

  7. Don't you think that "crisis" moments in human history are the motivating forces that have taken humans to new heights (if you're an optimist) in many cases? :)
  8. i think its important to be conscious of the environment and what we on the individual and as a society are doing. the way people are living in the west, specifically america, is not sustainable. everyone should do their part and take some responsibility.

    as for it becoming a religion, if it does at least its not based on war like most of em.

  9. End the war on the Ents! :p

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