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Entire harvest lost!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by DRAXXX, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Basically my last grow went very well, until curing. It developed bud rot. Eventually every single jar was taken over.

    How can I prevent this? Got 4 plants growing right now , can't afford another loss.

    I'm DWC and I'm maintaining 90f and 20-30 rh.

    Any ideas guys?
  2. Dry em fully if they rot during curing
  3. don't seal anything over 70rH, I like taking mine down to about 50 and they rise to 60 in the jars, and that's only around 60F or so
  4. What would you guys suggest?

    It's always cold outside here. I mean freezing. I have heaters and stuff though.

    What curing process should I do?
    Thanks guys!
  5. I chopped mine to stems then left them in a tray for a while, the air has been moist and my house is cold so it was jsut a really slow dry

    once they got low enough I could cure them, but they took almost 2 weeks the time before last to dry.
  6. Man, I let mine air dry for 3 weeks, then jarred. Still wet now... Yet mouldy. Looks like cotton wool.

    I just don't get it :/
  7. wtf, 3 weeks and it wasn't dry?

    you need to ditch the stem then, cut it down to nugs and let them sit out. WAY too fast for most situations, but for cold and humid it works.

    You should buy a rH meter, I got one from the pet store for $10. Invaluable for the learning curve.
  8. You can see it in the back jar... 54% rH in that pic

    Attached Files:

  9. Dude, i have all the Equipment.
    RH was always 20 - 40 during flower.

    All the shit looked awesome.
    Put it in jars, and whatnot, as others guided here. [hang 1 - 2 weeks > bag 1 - 2weeks > jar ] And BOOM, Mould..everywhere.

    Just dont get it..And really disheartens me, to loose so much weed.
  10. #10 pointswest, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2013
    They are talking about the relative humidity in the sealed jars, not the RH of the grow room. When first placed in jars the humidity goes up, this is the reason for burping or removing from the jars after sealing. You are not drying the buds enough before jarring and not venting enough after sealing into jars.

    A cheap RH meter can be used in the jar to monitor the inside RH. The jars need to be vented until a RH of 50-55 is reached and stabilized, then the jars can be sealed and stored.

  11. Alright. So what should I do in very high general situations ?

    My environment is always high rain, rh etc. how can I cure successfully?
  12. Cardboardbox netting dehumidfer wsit till crispy. Stixk in jar with a 2-3 small pinture holes stick in cardboard box. Thats how I do it and my house is hu mid ass fuxk like a rainforest
  13. So why the fuck are there threads that say all this other shit? Yet have hundreds of thousands of views !!!

    I've lost a few£1000 worth of weed because of it......

    Now your all telling me its. Wrong !
  14. ^ just remmwbee legalization is right arlind the coener and weed worthless.. youll be able to get 1000s of dollars or current msrket value for pennies on the dollar..... keep marijuama profits away from the 1%
  15. Wtf. I never said I sell it. It's literally £1000s if I bought it ... I grew it for this reason.
  16. ^ I didnt say you were going to sell it. I said all your lost mj wont feel so lost once you can buy ozs of kush for 30-50 dollars.... I never said you were goong to sell it.. so do t wtd me bud
  17. Mate. My currency isn't Dollars, and trust me, it's 10x that price here.....
  18. Seriously though, go away. Your clearly stoned out it brains.
  19. don't jar them till they're dry, open the jars to change the air and turn buds daily.
  20. Hang them under the grow light with a dehumidifier in the room, then once it's ready to jar, put it in the jars but open them up a couple times a day for a couple minutes.

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