Entire Eascoast

Discussion in 'General' started by Chrnc, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. NC is about dry ppl!!!!!!!!!!! help us help youuuuuu plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
  2. Whaaaaat?
  3. What, you want me to do the Rain Dance or what homie? Talk it up with Al Gore, I aint in charge of this global warming shit.
  4. No NC is not dry. I'm toking right now and getting calls about every 10 mins asking if I want more. Lmao, but yea I hear you. In some areas it is.
  5. nooo im just tired of all this bullshit shwag. i like variety in my life.......locc

  6. Well, I've officially lost my mind. I could have seriously sworn you were talking about lack of rain. :smoking:
  7. NC is not dry =)

    Look towards Raleigh, Asheville, Boone, Greensboro even.

    You just gotta know people.

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