Enter the Void

Discussion in 'Stoner Movies & Documentaries' started by Digu Miki, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. So I'm pretty sure any stoner/person interested in durgz with netflix has seen this movie. It twas great and I really want it on DVD. It was really hard to understand when I first saw it just because of initial shock lol. But after watching it again I knew I loved this movie. It's not your typical story and the point of view the story is told from certainly adds to the drama of it all lol. It's really graphic however and not for the faint of heart.


    For those who haven't seen it/never heard of it:
    Enter the Void (2009) - IMDb

    But yeah, what are your thought on this film if you've seen it? Pretty crazy right lol.
    My least favorite part has to be the abortion scene (spoiler alert, yup, there is an abortion scene in this movie.)
  2. Definitely a good movie, it gave me the chills the first time I saw it. Plus I believe in a constant cycle of rebirth and suffering so it had a stronger effect on me.

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