Enough for a "Generation Blunt?"

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Best1, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Hey fellow GC blades.

    I Was wondering if you guys think this is enough for a Generation Blunt because i don't wanna split the roaches, if its not.

    OR, if i should just smoke it roach by roach. Just wanted your guys opinion.

    Thanks in advance. :wave:

  2. Friday night my friend rolled a blunt from my 0.2 emergency stash that got three people high, blunts are good when fat but they're still functional when you don't have enough herb. I think it'd be better to just break it all up and roll the weed into a mini swisher sweet, it wont be the best but smoking 4 roaches just seems like an unnecessary pain.
  3. Damn, 0.2 grams of herb got three people high? Lucky! I wish i had that low of a tolerance..

    But anyways, im probably just going to wait for one or two more roaches, THEN ill roll it. I mean i got about a 1/4 of bud left, but i just wanna see how fucked up a Generation Blunt can get me. :smoke:
  4. ya you need more but also depending on the amount of ppl are on it u may need less but wait as long as u can
  5. it looks like .7-8, so a pinner blunt but it's good. put the roach paper in too.

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