Enjoying the view (while smoking weed of course)

Discussion in 'General' started by Kaimor, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Hi guys, what's up? I decided not to use an exclamation mark in the greeting, coz I don't want to ruin anyone's high by stressing them out =). This is my first post/thread on this forum. I've been reading it for about a month now and I recently came up with a topic that I haven't seen here before. So I finally decided to join. I wish this forum was a real place I could go to, so I could hang out with cool laid back people and share weed smoking stories.

    Me and most of my friends like to smoke weed while enjoying a nice view to make the experience more relaxing and all in all more pleasant. I'm lucky in that sense because I live in Tallinn which is located near the Baltic sea, so nice views are all over the place. One time me and my friend were looking for a new place to smoke and accidentally found this amazing spot which was perfect. It was hidden from cops and random people, quiet and the view was amazing. So I present the best place for smoking weed I have ever found:


    We were parked right near the edge of a cliff and I couldn't not take a picture. I'm off to roll a joint, coz it's Friday, which is just an excuse, coz I smoke every day:smoke:. In the mean time, if you guys like blazing up while enjoying a nice view as well, post a picture or just tell a story about a special place you smoked at.
  2. thats sweet. i live on the water but theres nothing like that where you could just light up. awesome
  3. Awesome picture dude. And welcome to GC. :smoke:
    This should be in the greeting into section. But hey, im to high to care.
  4. I wish I had taken a picture but the coolest place I've ever smoke at was on the edge of a cliff with an eagle flying about 20 feet above.
  5. Thanks man :wave:
  6. If I was high, the flying eagle 20 feet away from me would blow my freaking mind, it's so awesome.
  7. Estonia! nice dude, that looks like a super chill spot that you have. Here in California we have some really nice spots up in the mountains.


  8. If you actually smoked weed in this spot, you win the view-off =)
  9. I hate you all for having epic smoking spots, especially you OP! What do i have to look at? a shitty block of flats with poor people staring at me.

    Fuck man i cant wait to move somewhere chill

  10. Dude, don't feel bad. If you come to Estonia, i'll take you to that spot.
  11. Places look cold man... brrrr...
  12. That looks really nice, I love really good views and just nature in general.

    \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t[​IMG]

    I go here every summer for about a week with my family. Its so nice
  13. #14 Ungutus, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    This was taken at the ridge line of a mountain just outside of town at the apex of my hike :eek:. It's a picture of the town I grew up in and the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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  14. Is that Lake Tahoe? I snowboard in a spot that looks just like that.
  15. #17 Casual Toker, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    I've always wanted to go to this one spot on the highway right next to the MIA runway, just pull onto the shoulder, lay on the divider between the two streets and watch the planes landing and taking off as they finish or start their trips to and from all parts of the world. Airports are just so amazing to me.
  16. Yesterday, high, high, atop the Colorado Rockies. Think snow!

    Attached Files:

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