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Enhanced Hummus

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by potfiend, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. Ingredients:
    1pk red pepper hummus
    1/8 cup chopped roasted red peppers
    1/8 cup chopped sweet onion
    1/8 cup chopped artichoke hearts
    Cannabis to taste (or at least enough to get stoned)
    Mix red peppers, onoion, and artichoke hearts in small skillet in about 1tbl sp of olive oil, heat and stir for a couple of minutes.
    I then added about 1/3 gram (50mg) of decarbed weed into the oil.
    I let the oil bubble for a few seconds, then turned off the heat.
    Repeated above process about 3-4 times. Then mixed ingredients into packaged red pepper hummus. Stir well
    I put another 50mg in about 2 oz of gin, shook like hell then poured through a strainer into about 4 more oz.
    So we had gin and tonic and red pepper hummus for our appetizer course.
    Worked well, along with vaping and smoking.
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