Are there any words you absolutely can't stand hearing someone say? how about any words that make you laugh hysterically? I'm real toasty and laughing at the word gibberish. say it to yourself a couple times, I don't know why it's funny. one word I can't stand is "sinch" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I just cringe even looking at it. Like when someone says "it's a sinch!" or "It's sinchy!" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE IT. What other english words grind your gears? Here's some other I can think of.... Panties Auscultate Moist (apparently a lot of people have a hard time with this one lmao) Booties Slacks Apothem Neighbour Gray/grey
Hitler Communist Dope (when implying that it's Cannabis) Pot Head "noob" I can't think of anymore right now But, It's not the words being said,it's how the person says it.You know what i mean?