Energy / creation / oneness

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by gothamcity, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. For people who believe in God/Creation: Have been thinking about this a lot lately while stoned.

    The initial act of creation is usually attributed to God creating all matter, starting in the form of energy (let their be light). Because of this, aren't we all reflections/vibrations from the initial creation, meaning part of our connection to God comes from not only us being created by him, but also because the entirety of our beings comes out of what was created. Light > Cosmos! > Beings!

    I mean, isn't the carbon we're built from generated in the cosmos by stars? Our very fabric is light!

    :bongin: :bongin: I don't think I'm expressing the idea well at the moment, but it's like this realization of how interconnected we are to everything, and how that interconnectedness is based in our common source. The me / you / us /them is a fragmentation of the true reality of oneness. Ala tower of Babel, the scattering of man, the time when our collective consciousness was diminished into solely the individual.

    The prophets and shamans of yesterday and today are those who are able to break the veil of the ego and glimpse into the eternal fabric, to see themselves in every stranger and realize there is no you or I. There cannot truly exist a good and evil, but only what is, only good. Evil is nothing more than a word to describe the lack of good, but has no power in itself. If there is a hell the only thing I can think of is not a place of pain and torment, but merely a place with the absence of God. I am unsure if I believe God would even allow for such a place. I pray that all is redeemed.

    Everything began as a vibration of God, and every being will return to the source. Our soul is the seed, where God resides within us, looking for opportunities to offer peace in times of troubled waters.

    :bongin: :bongin:

    So I guess this means I can safely say I don't fall into the fundamentalist category? Does the above even make sense?

    It's like I've gotten to this point in life where I don't buy into the whole thing hook line and sinker, at least not the way it's always presented. There is the story, and then there is the story behind the story. Right?

    So then isn't the Old Testament, the story of the Jewish people, and then the coming of a Messiah, the Christ, isn't it ultimately a story too of our own redemption, of how God cares so deeply to come in the flesh to tell us how to draw closer to Him, by caring for our fellow brothers and sisters of all faiths and walks of life? That the closer we draw to love the closer we come to Christ and God? The more we actively love those around us and express it in good works, is that not a form of communion with God?

    .... ok. I should stop rambling and get to sleep. This is just some of the stuff that keeps me awake at night after one too many hits from the sobe bong (are those called waterfalls? Where it fills with smoke as water pours from a hole near the bottom? I've always wondered, cause their not quite gravities, but in the same family...)
  2. You give me hope for our species.
  3. I like to talk about all of these words but remember they are exclusive to us and our communion. I tried to teach a bird about God and I like to think it became a part of him too.
  4. Exactly.

    O -> (+∞/π) + (-∞/π)

    (+∞/π) + (-∞/π) -> O
  5. some good thoughts in there... keep on pondering :)
  6. I think a lot of it is coming from this ... internal battle. Slowly trying to shed off a lot of traits I haven't liked in myself for years. A lot of trying to be something, instead of just being. Striving to let go a lot more and not hold onto a lot of the ideas and things that I've previously held so tight. I spent a lot of years out there not being one of the good guys, and in many ways I still don't know what to do with that. I was big on fabrications and inventions, trying to show up wounded all the time.

    And now I feel like there is so much I need to do, but am feeling pressed for time, of all things! It's like this gradual path I've been taking suddenly feels like rocket.

    I often wonder what to do to correct all the negative energy I myself have put out there before. It is a mystery. I feel at times I'm limiting myself by living a 'typical' life ... I do computer work and such, and I just feel like there is so much more to it, to who we are and how we all exist.

    So I suppose that is my question: Do you ever feel overwhelmed by a past that was rockier/seedier than your current reality?

    I keep taking steps towards something, but I can't help but look back at where I've been and wonder sometimes if what I'm working towards can redeem it.

    Don't they call that legalism? Or a legalist view? Is there a way you've stepped away from that kind of mindset, or any advice to lend on helping someone make that transition?

  7. you could write a book... i like your structure and flow, even better because its most likly unintentional :D
  8. I saw a lot of imagery from those words.

  9. Thank you. Good to know it's not as completely random as I think! :)

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