ends of leaves are dead

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by peterjoseph88, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So after nearly killing my plants with no ventilation for 12 hours I decided to try to revive them... they seem to have come back somewhat(new growth) so I cut off all dead leaves and now all of the remaining leaves have brown dead tips..even the new growth... I have been looking at possible causes and I don't think its over fertilized bc I'm using foxfarm and not adding anything extra(clones in soil 4days) and I was told the nutes would last 2 weeks. And I don't think my lights are too close (400w mh 2ft away)... could it be my circulation fan is too strong or ph of my water is too high? Any help appreciated

  2. you need to keep them well ventalated but if your new growth is still comming out half dead then you need to flush you plant by generiously wattering her every other day for about 4 days.....( no nutes) then resume with half nutes for about a week then the next week resume with full nutes.. and your light is fine its at a descent distance i usually keep mine about 18 inches away from my plant. and i use a few 26w cfls on the sides. works great... good luck with your plant message me if you have any other questions

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