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Ending the Tension in my family

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by greenbliss, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I dont live at home anymore, but I still come back from college regularly. When Im back my mom gives me all kinds of shit for being a stoner. Today, i used the wrong toothbrush, and I said "I still have my toothbrush in my room and I dont know how I got this one in my hand." and my mom was like, "you should stop using marijuana." When I asked her for money after running out of my college spending money, she asked me how many dealers i knew at college and said she would only give me money if i promised not to use it on weed, but was ok with me buying alcohol (which made me really mad since its more dangerous) Pretty much every time I fuck up she blames it on weed, and its so awkward i want it to end so I dont say anything more. I dont know what to do, especially since i dont want to talk about it. She doesnt do anything now, except a beer like 2x per month, but she used to use drugs in the past if that helps. Please help me, thanks!
  2. Dude honestly, just make it a joke with her. Next time shes like trying to get serious just pull a 360.

    You:mom can I have money
    Mom:no youll probably use it on REEFER
    You:not all of it, but most of it yeah.

    Just be a sarcastic little douche but in a funny way.

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