end of the world,n that

Discussion in 'General' started by charis, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. me and my missis are having an"end of the world" party for the 2012 freaks and the pre-trib folk and anyone else who fancies a bob untill you drop type evcent

    wot are you doing to celebrate the end of the world,or Jesus coming back or anything along those lines?

  2. Haha, end of the world party. Good time to suggest massive orgy. I always wanted to "_____" before i die party. Get crraaazy :hello:
  3. thats the spirit !
  4. I've been studying for 10 years to pin point the exact point of Jesus return. I still haven't got it perfect but I plan to meet Jesus for my end of the world party.
  5. I dont know why people keep feeding the doomsday theory. Nothing ever even suggested that
  6. Can I come along?
  7. beautiful bro,.............we just need a date:D
  8. not dressed like that young man !:eek:
  9. Shit the 21st of December is my brother's birthday, so I'll be drunk.
  10. chances are ill treat it like any other day
  11. a 20 foot line of coke
  12. good man !

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