End of my 6 month T Break!+ new car

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SeanDiesel, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, I've been MIA from GC for awhile now since I moved back home and decided to go back to school and help my mom out. I just bought a 1990 jeep wagoneer in good condition on saturday and then ended my 6 month t break with some blue dream and hit up a dirt lot to go play around. All in all it was a good day, driving in a hazed up jeep with 4 other people and then trying to see how much articulation my wagon can handle. Perfect way to end my day is by coming back to GC and to see how the community is doing.
    So tell me blades how did your day go today?:D
  2. woke up friend came over blazed then class, lunch blaze more class got home blaze shovelled driveway, went to my buddies smoked n played xbox then went to wendy's for dinner walk all the way home.. across the street :smoke:
  3. That's tight man, perfect way to celebrate your return to the beloved herb, Good Vibes :)
  4. Thanks man, good vibes all around:wave:
  5. hahahah school blazed is much more fun. Except Math, then i see numbers everywhere LOL
  6. got high, skateboarded, read, went to jack in the box, got drunk, grand theft auto, watched dragonball

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