Encounter with an angry Muslim.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Kronologick, Jan 28, 2010.

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  1. #1 Kronologick, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
    I opened a door in a Muslims face today..

    "Learn to use your eyes"
    "How am I meant to see you when you're dressed like a ninja"
    "Watch your back"
    "God bless"

    I didn't think much of it, but now I'm scared shitless..
  2. He wasn't a muslim he was a ninja. You are never safe.
  3. lol your reply is so awful yet it did make me laugh.
  4. I know! I felt like a dick afterwards, but she was being a dick to me.
  5. One time a Muslim woman walked up to me and started speaking straight Espanol. No lie.

    That retort was uncalled for though. Good luck with her next time round!
  6. Yuhh, it was just the way she said it.. in this right nasty voice


    I raged.
  7. i was doing some work in some flats once ,as i walked into this guys house i wiped my feet on the doormat and set about starting to work,as i looked around at the guy i could see he was nearly blue with rage,slightly worried this geezer was i nutter i asked wot the problem was ,he went on to explain that the -doormat-was in fact his prayer matt !!!!
  8. LOOL thats funny man, iuno why you would be scared.

    My parents are Muslim...kinda. They like pray once in a while and stuff,
    but my whole family gets pissed at those ninja fuckers.
    Ive only seen like 3 in my life, and one was in my class this semester
    I refuse to talk anyone whos face i cant see.

    That said, most muslims also hate those ninja fuckers, their a part of some weirdass sect in Saudi Arabia and like Afghanistan that bases everything on tribal life like 1000 years ago or something. weird fuckers. LOL like my dads a banker and my moms a teacher, most muslims are like normal chillin ppl. lol jus thought id share..
  9. dude, ur gettin a 747 dropped on your head for that one.:eek:
  10. lol @ God Bless, hahahah.
  11. You did the right thing. Ive herad that nasty voice before
  12. the other day some lady almost ran over me in a parking lot and then she told me to 'get fucked' when i confronted her about it as we were both walking into the store. this woman was like 50....
  13. lol dude fuck that, his reply was not uncalled for, who the fuck is she to tell him something like that when he obviously did it by accident. muslims are way too fucking uptight
  14. To hell with people. If someone gives you shit give it right back. I love it when someone says some smart ass remark. Its all game from there.
  15. They are EVERYWHERE in Minneapolis. If they stay away form me, they are fine, but I have absolutely no tolerance for them. Earlier this year at the gas station one came up to me out of nowhere and said "what time it is?"

    all he got was a glance to my watch and a reminder to speak English with proper grammar. I don't deal well with the ones who make no effort to become normal, hardworking citizens.
  16. Sounds like you're pretty provincial and need to grow the hell up.

    All he did was ask for the time, and you couldn't give that to him? Instead of making yourself look like a douche, you could have simply said "it's X:XX, sir" and been on your way. Instead you decide to pass judgment and conclude that this man has made "no effort to become [a] normal, hardworking citizen."

    Ridiculous. Must be that Minnesota mentality.
  17. You remind me of the guy who pimp slapped an old homeless guy for asking for change.

  18. I thought he was joking or something, if not that guy"s pretty racist
  19. This thread is going places it shouldn't of.

    She yelled at me because I was an innocent white boy, and I burned her with a witty remark because my 13 year old side told me she looked like a ninja.. thats all, please stop neg repping me calling me a racist hahahahaha.
  20. Only somebody with a problem with other races would make the assumption that she "yelled at [you] because [you're] an innocent white boy." Unless she told you that with her own mouth (which she didn't), I think it's fair to say you're just making assumptions like an asshole.
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