I think he's one of the best rappers there has ever been. Eminem was more like college for me. High school was more like Dre and Snoop.
i agree one of the best rappers of all time. if youve actually listened to all his albums or one from back in the day and his new one say recovery he is so much more mature in his lyrics now after goin through all that shit he did. i also this if you can really relate to his personal shit you absolutely love him.
Opinions are like assholes... ----- When Eminem first hit the scene he was all about the violent lyrics, but he still had a killer flow. With his new album he has definitely showcased his ability to use that flow and create a deep and meaningful track. Eminem is one of the greats.
I'm not trying to sound corny but Eminem is really important to me, his music anyways...its helped me through some really tough emotional times, spanning from junior high school through college. A lot of depression, self hate...issues he addressed, and it was like he was angry in a way I couldn't be and that helped me.
Yeah, I dont know if any diehard fans exist anymore.. His stuff was hit or miss and, Stan is not rap.
Eh, They're retirement music. Back when I was in High school, I would bump that Louis Armstrong all day every day.
I didnt really like relapse, it had some good tracks i.e. deja vu. But recovery was easily my favorite album of the year.
Completely different for me. Relapse had a WHOLE album of good material. But Recovery, IMO, sucked so bad. I truly believe there are people in his ear ever since he got sober.
I don't know how people can say Recovery is bad? Just because it's not vintage Em? He's like 40 years old now. He's gone through a lot of shit in his life and he raps about it. I don't even like rap that much and Recovery has ALOT of VERY very well written songs. Going Through Changes is so deep and touching. It's so sad and powerful at the same time. One of the best songs I've ever heard. And that's included for every genre. I dunno...Recovery is just so...confessional for him. He admits to his mistakes and not a lot of people can do that. "I wanna get away from this place I do, but I can't, and I won't, say I tried but I know that's a lie" That's a really good line from that song. But all and all, out of ALLLLLLL of his songs. Kim is probably the most powerful song he has ever written. He puts soooo much emotion into that song, it's incredible.
He is definitely really talented but lately I haven't been really liking his music too much. It seems like he is screaming at me in every song...
regarding his newer shit: hes got a couple that still do it for me. its just in more of a sold out, shitty modern rap sorta way. No Love is definitely one of those. his old school shit was much much better imo but i guess in order to last even the greats sell out sometimes ...knees weak arms are heavy,, theres vomit on his.....
D12 was Eminem's golden era, imo. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC9M_6gW7Yw]YouTube - D12 - Purple Pills (uncensored)[/ame]
Yeah thats how I feel about him too these days. He is still talented, but he has to keep up with the times. Even still his "modern rap" is far better than most of the other modern rap in my opinion.
What are some examples of good modern rap? I didn't even get either new eminem album cuz like another poster mentioned, a lot of his songs are too negative and unhappy so I can only tolerate Eminem for so long before I have to go back to my home base of JayZ and old school rap. His talent and authenticity are, in my opinion, unquestionable. Bizarre is hilarious
Well his last CD is a good example of good modern rap. Thats to say it's not as good as his old stuff, but it's better than the modern rap like Gucci, Lil Wayne, Drake, etc... I can understand what you mean by negativity. Sometimes thats what I'm in the mood for though.
I'm relieaved that people aren't saying that Gucci, Lil Wayne, Drake, etc... are better than the old school rap. In my mind there's no comparing Snoops Doggystyle (my 1st rap album) or Dre's Chronic or Chronic 2001 with Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne is a joke compared to that stuff although I do like Lil Wayne for his style alone (he has no substance). Ok so if modern rap sucks, What are some examples of the good underground rap scene?