Emergency question

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by sosogrow, Feb 2, 2024.

  1. So I got lazy and didn't check my plants at lights on last night when they were obviously in need of water going into week 8 of flower and they drink a lot long story short when I went to turn the lights out this morning they were severely droopy and dry the three big ones were well I gave them each 3 gallons of water and hope for the best Do you think they will be Ok or was this a fatal error? Damn I'm stupid IMG_20240202_090107399.jpg IMG_20240202_085944815_HDR.jpg IMG_20240202_085928365.jpg IMG_20240202_085909272.jpg IMG_20240202_084203793.jpg IMG_20240202_085858772.jpg
  2. i guess i will know in 12 hours if they bounce back lol let this be a lesson to all DONT GET LAZY if you hand water
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  3. I read somewhere on here that if the leaves are drooping but the leaf stem isn't they are overwatered. If the leaves droop and the stem droops they are underwatered. Yours look to be underwatered and your adding the water should do the trick. I hope anyways. They should be fine, I'll hope for the best.
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  4. you got to them in time ...good catch,

    keep in mind in nature they would take a hit at this level of growth, being the end of summer for them
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  5. My G13 haze plants and the amnesia strain in flowering in a hydroponic systems use up to 6 gallons OR more .
    That is the reason for me using 20 gallon reservoirs so i can leave town for 2 or 3 days .....
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  6. update just peeked in they are standing at attention maybe the stress will form more trichomes lol
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  7. stress you don't need, it makes less
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  8. Actually, I tend to let my plants dry this way once in a while. It's a good thing to let them dry, as this elicits more trichome production
    Quantity before Quality??? never.
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  9. i like to let the pots get dry but i dont like them wilting either way everything is A ok i even spotted my first amber trichome today

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