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Emergency Detox Drink

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Brianium, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. i bought this drink called Emergency Detox Triple Clean X its kinda turquoise color liquit about 16FL Oz i was wondering if this product would work. I hve a Dug test comming up and i need to pass it. Help Anyone?
  2. Drink 2 fl oz or so of vinegar, and sweat a lot (exercise, sauna, etc) -- best way w/o putting who knows what in your body..
  3. It sounds like it will, with a name like that I think it speaks for it self.
  4. when is the last time you smoked, and when is the test?
  5. Do you have 24 hours? Drink the concoction, and chug-a-lug w/ a gallon or more of water. Drink water until the moment you have to go piss. You have a decent chance of being clean.

    (In the future, try to predict your tests more accuratly). They're usually around national/state/local holidays. Mark your calander, and don't partake for 3wks before any observed holiday. (if you toke on Haloween, you'll be clean on the Friday after Thanksgiving).
  6. Follow the instructions on the drink.

    That's what they're there for.
    Common sense.
  7. the detox drinks i know of usually you drink them wait an hour, and for the next 5-6 hours you test negative for thc
  8. Here's the stuff I used when I was on PB, (and tested clean):


    I pounded the drink, and drank 2ga of water over the next day. I was clean 18hrs later. IIRC, it was $53 / bottle. Shake well before consumption.
  9. t takes 45 mins to kick in and i last 6 hours lol i hope it works still.

  10. This Website will definantly help you out. There is a calculator at the bottom of the page I linked which helps you find what product is best for your situation.
  11. everything is expensve and 2 i already bought the drink...
  12. Chug-chug-chug-a-lug. And drink water like a race horse. You'll be clean in 24 hours. (just don't partake until you have to piss, and keep on chugging the water).
  13. None of this shit works, and if it is a true UA, they can test for these drinks.
  14. i was just gonna take it an hour n half before my drug test

    Instructions Read:

    1: use this product 45 mins prior to desired cleansing
    2: drink entire product in a timely matter(quickly)
    3: be sure to urinate 1-2 Times
    4: its acceptable to drink one 16 ouce glass of water or your favorite juice
    5: once intake perio has taken place and your urinary tract has flushed th previous existing toxins your body will remain cleansing/cleansed state for 6 hours

    what does step 5 mean btw?
  15. Yes, I realize that. Just thought that you could use the calculator to determine how strong of a product you need and compare it to what you have.

    How fast you get it out of your system depends on how much you smoke, how long you've been smoking, how much you weigh, and when the pee test is.

    If the pee test is tomorrow, you're fat, and you've been smoking since you were 12.. then yeah you're kinda fked. lol.

    I smoked occasionaly, I'm about 5'5'' 130 lbs, smoked a huge blunt the day of the interview, and within 24 hours took the pee test. I drank LOTS of water and cranberry juice, ate pickles (vinegar), and before I went to the test I made sure I peed 3 times. And drank some orange juice to put the color back in before I went!

  16. Ah, it's a temp block system, not a complete system clean. Follow the instructions.
  17. LOL. I'm 132, and 6'1". Needless to say, I pass with minimal effort, (chug tons of water so I piss clear, and drink a detox drink even though they taste horrible).
  18. just need to know if it will help me pass my pre employment drug test tht all i need to know....

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