
Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Murmur, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. #1 Murmur, Mar 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2010
    Alright, here is the deal... I'm 20 and I've had acne since I was about 12. My acne got better, for the most part. My face is clear, my arms, legs, and ass are clear. The only the thing that hasn't gotten any better is the acne on my back. I think that if a girl sees it she would be utterly repulsed.
    I've had girlfriends before, but I refrained from taking my shirt off in front of them as much as possible, but they never seemed to make a big deal of the acne, but I also don't know if they weren't trying to hurt my feelings.
    During intimate encounters (when I'm fully nude) I never turn my back to a girl, I would end up walking kinda sideways/backwards when walking away from the bedroom or to retrieve clothing. This problem has my self-esteem at a level that I never thought even existed, that's how low it is. I feel that a lot of girls are interested in me and I would love to try dating a few, because I have feelings for them (some stronger than others obviously) and I'm pretty sure that they have feelings for me.
    However my acne problem on my back somehow prevents me from making progress with any girls, I think mainly because I know eventually, and most likely rather soon into the relationship, they will have wanted to see me with my shirt off.
    So my question is... is acne on your back that revolting? I have a few pimples, but a lot of scars. So if you are a girl, and you can imagine putting yourself in a position where you like a guy, but find out that he has pimples on his back, how much less would you want him?
  2. dude just be happy its not on ur face
    I wish the acne on my face would clear fully up
  3. That is a good point. I mean they don't see the bad part until they start to like me, I suppose.
  4. I really can't imagine how bad it would look to have to feel that self-conscious.. But if you're naked, I don't see how she'd be looking at your back.. shouldn't she be more focused on other areas? I know I would be.

    You should take pride in your body; confidence is sexy.

  5. if they already like u and got u with ur shit off then they probably won't care about a little bit of backcne
  6. dont worry about it dude. if they dont like the real you then why waste time. I understand wanting to rid of it. but if a girl was all getting down with you and shit, then got up ran away when she seen ur back then fuck that.

    in other news.... i dont have bad acne, just something small every now and then. But i do have a pimple on my temple..... fucking hurts... poor me
  7. I thank you for your kinds words, they all make sense. I guess a big problem is that I have convinced myself that my backne makes me less appealing and that a girl I'm involved with would easily become attracted to a guy with a... better looking upper body.
  8. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I have dated guys with pimples on their backs :) One thing that has helped me, because I get them too is Proactiv. It really is an amazing product.
  9. I'd say don't worry about it too much, if some girls stuck up enough judge you because of acne then you don't need her... in fact you'd do better without her

    and if you want a solution Accutane is great, it's a pill you get perscribed to you by a Dermatologist. I have tried every cream and kit out there, even other pills and nothing worked. this stuff is making my face less oily and it's clearing up my skin great, It's like a 5 months treatment. there are minimal side effects like dry skin, nothing chap stick and lotion can't fix

    Hope this helps
  10. This is really funny. I suffer from the exact same thing. No joke.
    I usually just turn the lights off man. It's pretty bad for my self esteem, but a daily toke or two keeps me motivated, happy and confident about myself.

    BTW, I take anti-biotics and use 2 different creams. Proactive didn't work for me.
    My face and such is fantastic but no luck for my back :(
  11. I had acne into my 20's as well, and finally got sick of it around 25. Ever consider accutane? I saw a dermatologist, and they put me me on it. Pretty strong drug, but cleared me up.
  12. dude i have a tiny dick thats somethin to be embarassed about not acne u can get rid of
  13. I think the FDA just banned accutane because it causes all kinds of problems including coloitus
  14. Everyone has flaws. If you're at the point where you guys are havin sex, I doubt bad skin on your back is gonna ruin it.
  15. I too have some back acne. I've been taking showers everyday and changing my shirts often so that helps.

    If you worried about the scars they can eventually come off if you sun tan a little bit during the summer, but dont overdue it or do too much at once.

    The outer layer of skin will get darker slightly constricting the amount of oil released which then prevents less acne for the time being and 'burns' the outer layer off so a new layer can replace it. You shed skin everyday so this is 'normal.'

    This is just what I have noticed. Im a little self consicous about it too, but i guess not enough because I haven't really done anything to treat it.

    I should probably try medicine.

    Anyway dont get too hung up on it focus on your other qualities too.
    Keep smokin :smoking:
  16. You should date my ex, she used to pop the zits on my back. Kind of odd now that I think about it...
  17. Back acne....Backne :D

    Its more than likely not something she'll put much if any thought into. LIke everyones said, confidence, don't worry about it.

    to be fair though I remember having acne when I was a teenager and its really hard not to be self conscious about. Took a few hot lays then I had all the confidence I needed :D
  18. Word up. Fuck 'em. Find a girl that likes you for you.
  19. Yeah, man, if you're to the point where you're getting naked with a lady and she rejects you because of your back...ne, she is a shallow hoe you shouldn't even waste your time with man. Most girls wouldn't care, I think.

    We all have some form of physical flaws man... a big nose, bad skin, a little belly that won't go away, pale skin, too hairy, too small, too big whatever. It's best not to fixate on it and, as cliched as it is... it's what's on the inside that counts man. You sound like a good guy, if a girl doesn't like you for something as insignificant as back acne, that's really shallow and not at all worth your time.
  20. you sound just like me a few years ago, except i am a girl. I used to have bad back acne growing up 14-19 it really affected my self esteem, i refrained from wearing girly clothes, tank tops, dresses and things like that cause i didnt want anyone to see it. Did i mention I live in Miami where people go to the beach all the time. I would hate to take of my shirt in public and expose my back, eventually I started dating this guy and by the time we got intimate i'm sure he didn't really give a fuck about it, that kinda helped me get over it alot. And with that i started changing my dressing style, cause i realized its not big deal. ITs better to have it on your back than yoru face, plus no one ever really sees your back. And who know you might get lucky and find one of those girls that like zits. Up until recently (1week ago) I was dating this girl that i was sure would have been disgusted by my back scars and random little pimples i got from time to time, but instead she loved getting on my back and popping them, hey to each their own. But since I was like 20 my back has cleared up a lot. Drinking a lot of water and keeping your body hydrated helps with acne, and tanning your back with the sun also helps even pigmentation

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