Embalbing fluid

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by caebard, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Usually when you refer to damage to your body, it's damage other than your brain but okay. I thought you were saying it causes damage to the rest of your body.

    You're wrong actually. Acute alcohol and amphetamine intoxication has been linked to psychosis, not just long-term binges. Oh and LSD and other psychedelics can as well. So really, there are many drugs that can cause psychotic episodes. I don't doubt PCP is more likely to cause it but any of those drugs can as well.

    Alright. But the negative effects have all been seen in other drugs. It doesn't take more than one use for it to happen, either. It all depends on the person and the dosage, just like anything else.
  2. ANY drug will cause death. Alcohol has for a long time been linked to violence, suicide and mental disorders. It has been linked to a variety of health problems. Also:

    Pair convicted of brutal murder | The Sun |News

    His head was "literally kicked in" after blows rained down on the front, back and both sides of his skull, Mr Evans said.

    It's just as brutal and fucked up. You can even find people that do this shit sober. So finding a couple of isolated incidents doesn't mean anything. Otherwise you would also think that every shocking murder is caused by the drug. Some people are just fucked up.
  3. #23 XxGanjaXXGOD, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009

    Immaturity & disrespect like this are not tolerated here. If you do not have something to actually contriibute to the thread, then YOU shut the fuck up. - IGotTheCottons
  4. As was stated in an above post, it also has negative effects on your kidneys, and other vital organs. Go do some real research, before you try educating someone who's been doing/researching PCP for nearly a decade.

    Actually, I am right. You are wrong.

    LSD and other psychedelics do not CAUSE psychotic states. They only bring out disease that is already there. In other words, they are the trigger, or catylist, so to say. They do not cause the psychotic state, they only bring it out in people who are already mentally ill.

    The high from PCP can cause a state similar to psychosis (and complete dissociation), from 1 use (depending on how pure/high the dose is). The person will eventually return to normal, once the drug has worn off.

    Psychedelics and dissociatives are completely different classifications of drugs. Again, go do some research.

    Yeah... Show me how many people go crazy, and take 6 bullets from a gun, and STILL keep coming from taking 1 dose of meth.

    I've done meth, bro... As have a lot of other people I've known... I'm not saying it doesn't fuck you up in the head... I'm just saying that PCP is way more intense, and can cause far more severe states of dissociation than pretty much any other drug there is.
  5. Try telling some idiots it's not actually embalming fluid, exhausting, I think they actually tried smoking real embalming fluid after that.
  6. I'm loling at the idea of a pcp binge. Maybe it's just my own lack of knowledge about pcp and hearing the story about the guy who fed his own face to his dog one to many times. But damn man, i can understand a binge on coke, h or meth but pcp... :laughing:

    ... this is why i come gc
  7. But that's the thing. It's NOT just "a couple isolated incidents". They used to use PCP as an anesthetic back in the day... They discontinued using it because of the SEVERE negative effects it causes in a VERY LARGE amount of people. There is a very good reason PCP has the reputation it does... It's because it's reputation is DESERVED.
  8. PCP isn't always a negative experience. Most people either love it, or hate it. There's no real "in the middle" when it comes to PCP. If you have a bad trip, it will be one of the worst/scariest experiences of your life.
  9. ill do pcp over meth anyday
  10. embalming fluid is toxic. how do people not know this
  11. Haha now you say that, after someone else posted it. I'd say you didn't really do that research either/

    Who cares if it brings out these dormant qualities? Plus, we don't know this for sure. There isn't much research on the subject. Either way, if it triggers is, it's a cause. And a large dose of amphetamines can cause symptoms identical to schizophrenia.

    Wait, you actually know of a case that after a single dose of PCP this can happen? Lurch was even known to be a LONG-term user. Do you have any proof that someone has done this from one dose?

    Sure, I don't disagree. It is the strongest well-known dissociative. I'm just saying that these sick PCP incidents are rare. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard many stories about people who've tried it and have had a bad experience. Few of them resulted in violence, none of them of course, resulted in any brutal violence.
  12. No, they discontinued it because of the confusion and agitation from the patients. By isolated incidents I'm talking about violent beating, killings, etc. I'm only talking about violence here.

    Killer Drugs: Is PCP guilty of homicide? - Reason Magazine

    Yet in their search of the literature, Brecher and his co-authors found only three documented cases in which people under the influence of PCP alone had committed acts of violence. They also noted that between 1959 and 1965, when PCP was tested as a human anesthetic, it was given to hundreds of patients, but "not a single case of violence was reported."
  13. Okay, so right now im working on my B.S. in Biochemistry, but I have my A.S. in Mortuary Science.

    Don't ever fucking dip your weed in embalming fluid. Formaldehyde isnt the only thing in there. Theres methonol,ethonol,phenol, etc. Theres more chemicals in embalming fluid than you know what to do with. Phenol is a liquid cauterant, meaning it will burn skin. Seriously it chemically sutures skin.
  14. Dude, if you've never even done it, why do you care so much about defending it?
  15. Seems to be alotta quoting going on, >_>
  16. That's like saying if you've never smoked weed, why would you defend legalization? I guess it's strange to discuss something unless you've had personal experience with it.
  17. #37 IGotTheCottons, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009
    Like I said, I was on a BORROWED computer, and didn't have the time to spoon feed you the research (I guess maybe you missed that part). You are perfectly capable of running a google search, yourself - are you not?

    If you don't care, then why did you bring it up - saying LSD, and they other psychedelics, cause states similar to PCP. Flat out - they don't. If you've never taken the drug, then you really can't say that the effects are similar.

    Actually, we do. And there is lots of research on the subject of psychedelics CAUSING psychosis in otherwise healthy individuals.

    You obviously don't know much about psychosis.

    ...From the person being awake for days at a time. Sleep deprivation is what causes said state. Not the drug itself. Again, I've done these drugs, as have just about all of my friends. You have not. Quit trying to act like you know - when you don't. It's one thing to read an "effect" on the internet, and say "oh, that's similar to *insert drug here*". It's something else all together when you actually have DONE both of said substances, and know the differences between the two.

    Uh... YEAH!

    Smoking 1 $5 jar of (good) PCP can cause a person to have a psychotic episode, and to go into a state of complete dissociation.

    Please note, however, that these people do not stay that way forever. It is only while they are on the drugs.

    Dude, go run a search if you don't believe me. It is not my job to spoon feed you this information. Go, pick up a book at the library, run a google search... Do your own research (because you obviously haven't).

    I've personally experienced full dissociation from smoking 1 jar of PCP in a blunt (a $10 dollar jar - split between 3 people, rolled up in a blunt without weed). There are videos all over the place of guys getting shot, while on PCP, and still going after the cop(s). This is common knowledge, man.

    No, they're not. Hang out with enough 'wet heads', and you'll see they're not that rare. They're a lot less common today, than they were in the 80's, because PCP isn't really a POPULAR drug anymore.

    See, herein lies the problem. You are trying to tell me that PCP does certain things, when you've never experienced it for yourself. I have. So yes - I know a little better than you what PCP is ACTUALLY like.

    Shit man... My friend was banging on my neighbors door, screaming for him to let him in because "he loves god"... He then went on to punch the shit out of my concrete patio, and later tried to kill himself by laying down in the middle of a highway.

    But whatever man... This whole argument started because you said it doesn't do any damage to your body, which it does. Also, you seem to have been given a bit of misinformation about psychedelics, and their true effects on people. I suggest you spend some time reading medical journals... Not DARE pamphlets. ;)

    Until you actually know what you're talking about... I'm done discussing this with you... Anyone who's been here a while knows that when it comes to PCP, I know my shit. Continue to argue if you like, I'm done.

    @ OP - Sorry for hijacking your thread. I hope that your questions about embalming fluid & PCP were answered.

    EDIT: For the record... PCP is one of the few drugs where its reputation IS actually deserved.
  18. Because the fact remains that PCP causes psychotic-like symptoms and so does psychedelics. I said it doesn't matter how they caused it, just that they both have been known to cause it.

    There is nothing conclusive on whether those qualities were dormant or not. Just like there is no conclusion on whether the studies that find correlation with mental disorders and marijuana use can be contributed to predisposing factors or whether marijuana really was the most significant factor.

    I never said I haven't tried amphetamines, I have. Obviously you missed that part. And no the psychosis is not necessarily caused by sleep deprivation. The large increase in dopamine that amphetamines causes is similar to the large increase in dopamine seen in schizophrenia. I thought you were the one that talked about doing all this research.

    Wait, I said did you know of a person that has done this? You completely side stepped the question. Just because you want to claim that it's possible isn't the same as claiming it has happened. You asked me the same question but towards meth: Do I know of a person that after one single use withstood bullets and kept on going, etc... Well it's fair for me to ask you the same thing about PCP. This isn't an answer. People may have gone psychotic after a use of PCP but this can be said for other drugs as well.

    Obviously you haven't done the research because you cannot point to a single instance where this has happened. You keep saying this has happened before. So what? Where's your proof that these people turned this way because of a single use?

    Congrats? Now you're proof that these people have used PCP only a single time would be nice.

    Personal anecdotes are useless in an argument like this. I can just as easily say my family is full of a bunch of violent alcoholics therefore alcohol makes people violent. This is not true for everyone.

    Your stories aren't anymore reliable than everybody else's.

    So what? I can point out to stories where drunks and tweakers beat and murder people. I'd rather have a PCP freak punching shit and trying to kill himself than a drunk crushing a guy's head.

    I said nothing misinforming about psychedelics. I said they have been known to cause mental illnesses.

    Basically your argument is completely subjective. You argue that because I have never tried it, I can't argue about it. You're forgetting that your experience is just as subjective as the reports I've heard. Anyone can have a subjective experience about people around them and themselves and blame it on the drug. This has happened with alcohol, amphetamines, crack, etc.. Your experiences =/= the real world. This is a logical fallacy, you know.
  19. Hey man, just accept that cottons knows his shit. I havn't done PCP myself but can pretty much garuntee that PCP is bad for you and messes you up. Have you ever seen the stev-o videos?

    Why it stopped being used for medicinal reasons:

    You are right that amphetamine psychosis isnt caused soley by sleep deprevation though.

  20. I'm not trying to argue that PCP isn't a dangerous drug, it is. I was only trying to point out that the rare instances of those grotesque PCP killings don't represent PCP and that we have seen many more brutal killings, suicides and beatings on many other drugs, especially alcohol and we are never quick to say "Don't drink alcohol! Some insane drunk stabbed a guy to death!" As far as we know, the majority of people who have used PCP don't go killing or beating somebody on PCP. Also, that PCP isn't the only drug known to trigger psychotic symptoms. I might have sounded misleading and seemed as I was implying PCP is safe but no, I wasn't.

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