It's been too long folks, it's time for this thing to get rolling. We now have 18 states with medical marijuana, it needs to be 50 ASAP! The war on drugs is a joke. I emailed my congressman about the wolf eradication and received a great response with honest concern. I then responded with another issue. Here it is for you all! I'm glad I got a real response and not some computer generated response, I wish more people would email you with changes we can make! I also wanted to get your take/progress on the decriminalization of marijuana in Kentucky. As you know, Kentucky's number one cash crop has been marijuana for at least the last fifty years. Our founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson understood how important the hemp plant itself was to the economy. "Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere." - George Washington "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country." - Thomas Jefferson The uses for this plant will scare Big Oil but it's something that needs to happen. From the bio-fuel that can be produced from hemp, to the very strong fibers and clothing that it can produce. Cotton is very low strength compared to hemp. If you are familiar with the "hemp for heroes" campaign, in 1941 our government promoted the growing of hemp to supply our soldiers with the toughest material for their ropes, uniforms, and other items. It created a boom in jobs to process the plants. Hemp seed contains an essential amino acid for healthy living, which is very easy to grow and distribute to lower income areas. It's a plant that's been illegal since 1937 for the wrong reasons. The benefits far outweigh the "abuser" scare tactics that are promoted. This plant has been used for thousands of years and must be put on this planet for a reason. The human species would have not existed without the plants and animals that were put here. I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada, one of almost twenty (18 to be exact) states that have legalized marijuana for medical use. With the thousands of deaths from alcohol and prescription drugs every year, I can't understand how marijuana is illegal. Prohibition didn't work for alcohol and it definitely isn't working for marijuana. The alcohol and tobacco monopoly pays for the anti-marijuana commercials, because they know that if a safer alternative to their liquid poison and nicotine injected concoction was available, people would quit supporting them. No one has ever died smoking, it's effects last less than three hours and have no long term effects. It's not some dirty drug that should be put into the same category as heroin or cocaine, it's a very spiritual plant that our ancestors used for their health and to be connected to our fragile planet. There has been a 4,500 year old tomb discovered with marijuana inside. It's been a part of our human history. People are getting locked up every year in a country where they thought they had "freedom" to do what they wish. It's hard to understand the importance of this plant to human life, as today is a very stressed environment that's fueled by the sickness of others for profit. Please reconsider the values of the state and the nation, we are long overdue for a marijuana reform, and I can't believe it hasn't happened already. There will be a march in D.C. this year and throughout the country fighting for a plant to become legal again. It's sad! I'd rather talk in person or over the phone, but this will do fine for now. Thanks alot,
I would love to read any response you get from Kentucky. And I wish Rand Paul would grow some balls and speak up on the issue.
I got a response from the wolf endangerment issue, but I haven't got a response to this issue yet. I don't know if Rand is scared or what, it's kinda pissin me off really. We have to just keep sending out letters I guess, it just boggles my mind everyday how this plant is illegal. It drives me crazy, while some of my friends are exclusively in love with alcohol... Yeah man, send this thing around. It might need to be re-read and edited, I didn't read over it after I wrote it
I'm from Louisville, now living in Lexington as a student, and sadly, Kentucky will probably be one of the last states to do anything about marijuana. The majority of people I know here are against because all they know are the lies and refuse to listen to the truth. We need to have a march or rally or something else.