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email i sent to abovetheinfluence.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by gunsforgrass, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. hey, what do you know. if you use

    instead of

    you CAN surf encrypted. so the gov can still know your IP if you aren't using a proxy, but it would at the very least be very very difficult to know what you view or post...

    it isn't a valid signed certificate, but you can accept and use it anyway. it all encrypts just the same, just isn't as convenient (will prompt you with pop-up boxes when you visit the first page)

    and be careful of following links that other people post to other parts of this forum because they will often link to and silently not be encrypted unless you have your browser set to warn you when you leave an encrypted page for a non-encrypted one.
  2. <HR style="COLOR: #ecfcb2" SIZE=1>
    I am simply stunned at the kind of idiocy I am subjected to simply because of my preferred method of intoxication. I find it appalling that someone can get hopelessly drunk and still be regarded as an upstanding member of society, but you so much as mention that you know someone that smokes grass, and all of a sudden you are a criminal and a pariah.

    I am willing to bet obscene amounts of money that the second marijuana is legalized in North America (with the possible exception of Canada, what with our somewhat lax pot laws) that 90% of the people formerly opposed to it would suddenly regard it as a perfectly acceptable and social commodity, because if the government says it's good, then by all that is holy, it's good. It's just another testament to the near-absolute and somewhat frightening control the government has over the opinions of the common citizen.

    One of my theories is that they actually realized they were completely wrong, but they are so full of themselves that they can't admit it, so they continue attempting to vainly lie through their teeth and label anyone who opposes their ideas as "dangerous" and "unpatriotic" or some such slanderous garbage simply because they can't get their way. Another of my theories revolves around the idea that the government lacks the mental capabilities to realize the difference between something being the most widely-used drug and the most dangerous drug, so they forbid research into any of its proven benefits and focus solely on the negative effects, of which there far less than positve ones. I doubt they even try anymore, and just toss out any evidence that it's actually not something sent here by the devil to corrupt children and call it "whimsical."

    And then, when they can't have their way and get everyone to stop smoking/selling/growing or whatever, they throw a temper tantrum like a four-year-old who can't convince his mother to take him to the park and start destroying things, namely, the truth. "Marijuana funds terrorism?" Not likely, unless you bought it from Osama, and even then, he was probably just trying to dump some schwag on the first person he came across. "Marijuana promotes criminal activity?" Apart from buying, growing, selling or smoking it, no, no it most certainly does not. Does anyone else feel like going out and stealing cars and burning down churches after puffing a joint? No way in hell. Not once have I felt a violent urge while high. In fact, I get quite the opposite reaction, and feel calm and relaxed. "Marijuana causes unplanned pregancies?" So, you're trying to tell me that if you smoke pot, it makes you pregnant? Damn, they weren't even trying with that one. "Marijuana makes you have suicidal thoughts?" Now they're just making it up as they go along. The closest thing I EVER had to a suicidal thought while high was when I was playing San Andreas and decided to take on the cops, FBI and military with a six star wanted level and less than full health and armour, and that's about the most suicidal thing you can do in that game. "Marijuana makes you lazy?" Yeah, try telling THAT to a guy that plays hockey and basketball, rides a bike over 20km almost every day, manages a Future Shop and volunteers for Meals on Wheels on the weekends.

    They are fighting a losing battle, and are so deluded by their own power that they don't even realize it. You can't simply get millions of people to stop doing something, let alone wipe out a plant entirely. Prohibition failed with alcohol, and it's slowly dying with marijuana. is the most fucking pathetic collection of bullshit and propaganda I have ever seen. Emailing them unfortunately won't do much, if anything at all. The second they see something that could be considered pro-marijuana, they delete the damn thing and send one of their lame-ass auto-messages full of more bullshit. I find it absolutely hilarious that they keep using the statement "more teens are in treatment for marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined." You can say that all you want, but that doesn't mean they need it for God's sake. Innocent people get sent to prison by mistake all the time, and the same goes for "marijuana addicts." They are wasting space for people who actually need treatment, like users of meth, heroin, coicaine or other hard drugs. They seem to be under the impression that more people in rehab for marijuana means it's a problem. Well, in a way, they are right, but they would never know it. It's a problem that so many potheads get sent there for no reason whatsoever. Nobody ever sucked dick for weed. They are just stubborn fucking infants: if they have their (malfunctioning) minds set on something they somehow believe to be the truth, there will be no convincing them otherwise.
  3. has anyone ever been to a "meth" or "coke" forum, what are they talkin about?
    lol they are probably like "more people use mj, why don't they get off our backs" haha
  4. Damn dude.. your email gives them reason to post up commercials. You have bad grammer :X
  5. say that the teen are only in these programs because they get busted, not because they have a serious problem
  6. I really want to find a way to give them the finger via the internet.
  7. oh some do have very serious problems. the problem isn't chemical addiction though, it is a mental dependency. in short it is because they don't cope with life and responsibilities well sober, and cope less well when high. learn to be honest and responsible and caring when you're sober though, and marijuana doesn't change who you are that much. if you still can't cope with life well high, you'll quit getting high when you should be responsible instead -- for instance smoking before bed a few nights a week instead of all day every day.
  8. They aren't really going to think much of it. The cops, around here anyways, are far more worried about busting dealers. They wouldn't waste their time on one pothead. And I haven't even gotten in to the legal issues.
  9. Here's the message I sent:

    Hello, I would like to applaud you as well as the many other disinformation organizations that coexist with your campaign. The ignorant and blatantly biased "facts" on your website are appalling. I took the time to explore this site thoroughly as I feel that as a stoner I should know what the other side is saying and what I should counter with. Everyone knows marijuana causes short-term memory loss. What they don't know is the fine print to that statement, which would be "when under the influence". Thanks to campaigns of blinding like yours more and more people are made ignorant to the real truth about Cannabis and it's many remedial uses. You merely display to them the recreational use of it, tell them lies and half-truths about it's effects, and demonize the plant so you can put more money into your pockets and campaign funds. You tell of how Cannabis has "over 400 chemicals in it, many of which are carcinogenic", what you don't say is "Cigarettes, on the other hand, contain 800+ chemicals, MOST of which are carcinogenic". See the difference in the statements? Your ad "Stoner in the Mist" is the most stereotypical, deplorable and misinformed shred of propaganda I have EVER seen in my years. Pot smokers develop amotivational sydrome? Attention deficits? Anxiety & Paranoia? Worst of all, Schizophrenia? Where in the world did you get these "facts"? I've read several of the journals and research papers you've cited as sources, and many of them said nothing of what you cited them as saying. That is, unless you twist the words and paraphrase in the right way. Pot relieves anxiety, it doesn't create it. Paranoia is common, I'll grant you that, but pot smokers are not 4 times as likely to dropout of high school as non smokers. I'll have you know I'm the only regular user in my family 's last 4 generations and of those generations I am also the first to attend college, where I maintain a 4.0 GPA and a slot on the honor society. So, won't you consider redirecting the millions you're spending towards spreading the truth about marijuana's effects, and not YOUR "truth", which betrays any sense of the word?
  10. Emailing them isn't going to do anything your just wasting your time. Try politically or use the media but just 1 person can't do anything about it.
    P.s. Im high :smoke:

  11. they might listen if he signed it Stonermus Prime :smoke:
  12. hahahahaha every person that writes an email to abovetheinfluence always fucks up spelling, punctuation, and grammer in their letter. If your going to write an email telling people that their stereotype of stoners are wrong, then please don't perpetuate it.
  13. lol. your gonna change things...:smoke:

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