
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ShralpMode, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. So i know there was a thread up that explained this perfect... But now i can't find it. =/

    I was thinking about getting a 600w with a digital ballast from HTG.

    How much per month would that be on an electric bill?
  2. We'll go ahead and generalize this and you can change accordingly!

    1 kWh = $X

    600W = 0.6kW. So that means every hour, you're paying for 0.6kW.

    Assume 18 hours light for one month vegging.

    18 hours *30 days = 540 hours.

    SO 540 hours * 0.6kW = 324kWh IN VEG STAGE!

    Flowering: 12 hours light of course, let's assume 65 days of flowering:

    12 hours*65 days = 780 hours

    0.6kW*780 hours = 468kWh IN FLOWERING STAGE!

    Add the two totals together, 468kWh + 324kWh = 792kWh TOTAL!

    So you have 792kWH * X (however much you pay for electricy). We'll say $0.10 for now.

    792kWh * $0.10 = $79.20 all said and done! Now, don't forget you'll probably have a fan, and CFLs for seedlings, so that's be a few dollars extra. But just adjust the price of a kWh and there ya go!
  3. Stevie, buddy, you do realize that the people on this forum smoke pot right? :smoke: :D

    OP. Here is a really simple electric usage calculator from Advanced Nutrients.

    Advanced Nutrients | General Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies

    If you can get your cost per kilowatt hour from your electric bill, you should be able to use it.

    Good luck.
  4. You have no idea how much brainpower it took to do that after vaping my homegrown dank :smoke:. Plus I was a Mechanical Engineering major so it's kinda my first instinct haha.
  5. #5 ShralpMode, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Thanks stevie and mad4 that was exaactly what i was looking for!

    And thanks to you too mad4 i see you helping a lot of people around here

    its appreciated:smoking:

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