I was smoking with a few buddies earlier and we started asking each other some weird questions like If you had to choose between free weed for life or free gas. And i just thought it would be an interesting thing to try here. so how about this one person asks something and then the next poster answers and gives a question and so on. come on people lets give it a try! _________________________ Loose your hearing, or loose your eye sight i gotta go with eyes
I'd rather see than hear. would you rather win the lottery (mega millions), or have unlimited, free dank on command for life?
[quote name='"500-80"']I'd rather see than hear. would you rather win the lottery (mega millions), or have unlimited, free dank on command for life?[/quote] Winning the lottery would allow you to have all the dank you wanted plus everything else so lottery! Would your rather have aids or a 1 inch penis
[quote name='"Bobby Blendz"'] Winning the lottery would allow you to have all the dank you wanted plus everything else so lottery! Would your rather have aids or a 1 inch penis[/quote] well I already have a one inch penis so I'll stay aids free
Free petroleum gas? Obviously i'd choose gasoline! Cash an infinite supply of free gasoline in exchange for the position as the richest man in the world! Then ill just give my money to the government as a bridge to legalize it for everyone to enjoy
[quote name='"since93"']drugs... bacon or anal sex?[/quote] Both! Get pegged by Milan kunis in exchange for a night of sex, or sit in the shower with blue balls?
[quote name='"500-80"']read minds obviously ability to fly, or invisibility?[/quote] Invisibility. Even though flying would be fuckin sweet. Eat dog shit and get a subway sandwhich or drink salt water and get a burger from mcdonalds? Lol
saltwater and burger be gay or slightly retarded. like one of those functioning semi-normal ones, but not smart enough to go to college or have a good sense of humor etc...
Since I'm already bisexual I think I'd be gay. Have a really terrible facial deformity or be paralyzed from the waist down?