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Eighth Minus .5

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Casper The Don, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Is it usual for people to not include the .5? Because I just got an eighth of dank and it's 3.0.
  2. yeah its usually normal for people to give 3.0 when they tell you they are giving you 3.5. Because, well you know...
  3. Hey me too. So yea I guess so
  4. you should have gotten a full 3.5. Taking a half g out is a rip off, especially if its dank.
  5. yeah man that's definitely a rip...I would say something for sure.
  6. you can get high off of .5 two to three times when you're smoking. if you're vaping that's 5 highs you miss out on.
  7. Yeah to echo the sentiments of other users here your picking up bags from an amateur. Find a better connect.
  8. Most every street dealer skims unless you're really tight with them, if you don't have a lot of connects than perhaps its best not to piss them off until you do, but if it keeps up and you are consistently getting shorted bring it up. How much did you pay for the 8th? if you get taxed up to 60$ as well as having it be .5 short than its defiantly a rip.
  9. Well that makes it 3gs. Not an eighth. So, it is impossible to have a 3g eighth. 3x8 is only 24... which would be a crappy ounce. and it would be even worse at the pound level.. like 2 ounces short.

    all bullshit aside, it's common for "wannabe dealers" to do this. tell person that you have a scale, and it was short... and you wanna see it weighed before paid next time.

  10. Technically it's not "worse" but that is neither here nor there lol.

    But yes 3.0g is a rip

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