EHLE - Grasscity Colab

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Superjoint, Feb 2, 2011.

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  1. This just has been confirmed by EHLE, we will be presenting a same sort of Ehle/Grasscity colab, as is in the planning with RooR, 50 unique pieces, with signing of your GC username on the numbered editions and a Video CD with the "Making off" your customs piece, instead of the RooR sandblasted version, this grasscity/EHLE tube will be a 5mm , flame polished edition with a full worked mouthpiece and worked diffuser and bowl. More details coming up when the prototype will be finished. I guess this one will be even available sooner than the RooR/Grasscity colab.

    I'll keep you posted

  2. This sounds even more exciting than the previous collab info! Thanks, looking forward to it!
  3. cant wait to find out more!
  4. sounds awesome. can't wait to see how these look

    any idea on a rough price estimate?

    very interested in trying to get one of these
  5. Yeah, I really really want one. I got dibs on one of those 50!!!!!
  6. I agree I would love to know a price
  7. Yes yes and yes!
  8. Does sound interesting, I am also interested in a price.

    This will be more popular because it should be way lower than that Roor colab.
  9. I want this.

    Please get back to us on a price estimate, for either a RooR or EHLE tube....
    I need real GonG and this sounds awesome!
  10. not perse, more for the price , same price range 600 to 700 USD
  11. I'm interested depending on design and price
  12. Can't wait to see the finished version ;)
  13. Didnt know ehle could charge RooR prices.

    Wonder how people will take to that
  14. Aww for sure, props on ehle SJ. ehle>Roor imo, and i dont think any artist makes a better, sturdier joint then thomas ehle. Cant wait to see the collabs :hello:
  15. no comment -.-
  16. no comment either
  17. cool! i wish i had enough money right now lol. I cant justify paying that much for a piece of glass though... But the first vaporizer/grasscity colab will have me waiting in line with debit card in hand lol
  18. Man, I really want one of these collab pieces cause it would be nice to have a piece that has to do with my favorite website. But I can't even come close to that price tag :( looks like I'll just have to admire these from a far...
  19. You could probably sell about 200-300 pcs with a 150-200 price tag.
    just saying.
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