Egyptians had helicopters? Sumarians had batteries? WHAA

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Insurgency, May 25, 2010.

  1. I was meaning to ask you, you know how the Sphinx resembles Mans dominance over animal? Could it also suggest men came from animal?

  2. The sphinx actually represents something a bit higher. It represents that man has a lower nature (the instinctive mind, animal nature) that must be conquered by the Will in order to ascend. The lion is the most common animal that depicts our lower nature, and conquering/killing a lion is often depicted in mythology, such as the story of Hercules where he defeated a Lion after being given 50 wives. The 50 wives would symbolize the lust that needed to be overcome.

    Also, man didn't come from any monkey or animal, a species cannot evolve into an entirely different species. Man has always existed, although there was a time when he was more beast then intelligent man. There is no missing link where we changed from monkey into man, we have always been man, though long ago we would be more beast than what we are now, before we grew to the 5th plane of existence, the Intellectual Mind. Most are still ruled by their Instinctive Mind though, being controlled by their lower emotions and desires.
  3. The lion could depict the amount of power it takes to over come these animal instincts. Along with the Sphinx resembling man has lower nature, it shows that we must "evolve" to another state of "being" in order to advance as a person.

    Evolution is either very true or very false, but i find it completely true. As mammals, we are all given the same set of bones. Adaptation has changed the functions, locations, and shape of these bones, but they still exist inside us. We have not always been because there have been times in Earths geological history that humans could not survive, which means we could easily have come from something that did exist at the time.

    Read my logical existence thread if you want to see my opinion on how we evolved to understand and advanced beyond our Instinctive Mind.
  4. NWO, population control, and reptilian gods...OH MY!!
  5. Dude if they existed before a pole shift happened, there would be absolutely no trace what so ever afterwards.
  6. Humans haven't been around for 10 million year.
  7. where did I say humans?

    It started with our early stage of human evolution, still in the 'great ape' stage or whatever the technical term is

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