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Efficiency of Apple Pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nstyle, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. how efficient is this piece of smoking device. Consider making one cuz im out of juicy jays

    good answers please

  2. efficiency?

    it gets you high, like a pipe

  3. I used one once, it was alright. It's better then a tin can or something. Poke a hole in the top and the side and your good to go.
  4. I have seen apple pipes that rip harder than a 50 dollar glass spoon. The secret is making it with a a sharpie. Makes the holes really big so you can suck alot smoke through.
  5. oh and make a carb
  6. I wouldn't use a sharpie for the bowl. Use a pencil so you will have a good sized bowl with a small hole for the smoke.
  7. What do you mean by hit harder? Im sure youve seen apple pipes that are harsher than glass pipes...

    I quess apple pipes are efficient...just get yourself some more rolling papers, and try something like raw, or zig zags. Juicy jays just have more chemicals in them
  8. i thought this said efficiency of apple pie...

    but it all depends on how ya make it.

    you can make it function exactly like a pipe, but there is room for error.
  9. If they're made properly they'll be as efficient as any other pipe.

    Even moreso since the chamber is so small, very little THC gets lost to the resin of the pipe.

    A huge glass spoon is less efficient than a properly made apple pipe.
  10. What I mean is that you get a fatter rip.
  11. Ya but use a sharpie when you are making the chambers.
  12. apple pipes fucking rule.
  13. Whenever i'm in need of a untensil to smoke with, the apple pipe is always there:smoke:
  14. apple pipes are kind of a last resort thing. they are better than water bottles and tin cans.. but if you accidently burn the apple it smells/tastes like absolute shit.
  15. Worked for Charlize Theron:cool:
  16. Guarantee you can get fatter rips with a legit piece.

    Apple pipes are nostalgic, everyone has used em, but ill never go back if i dont have to.
  17. I find the easiest way to make one is with a ballpoint pen. Just take the center part out (the ink tube and the tip) and use the pointy part of the cap (the part that you can "clip" to your shirt pocket) to make one hole down through the top of the apple (where the stem was). Then use the main tube to make a perpendicular one for the mouthpiece.

    I used to use apple pipes all the time in high school, whenever I smell the burning weed mixed with burning apple I get nostalgic... man I hope I have an apple in the house right now :smoke:
  18. Probably better than a joint..
  19. Oh my.

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