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Effects Of Marijuana In 45 seconds!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HellsHippie, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Lol simply put weed isnt harmful ...Enjoy..Much love to all my GC homies I know you guys would love this..Reppin for the stoner nation

    [ame=]Effects of Marijuana in 45 seconds!! - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Already caught it on YouTube. Good stuff dude :)
  3. lol watch the related videos and watch the prank gone wrong one lol

  4. Lol why did you post 3 random times lol?....I just noticed first 3 replys is the same dude haha
  5. duuude that wass soo messed up lol...Thats why I dont try to scare Old people man...some of there hearts cant take it...Also another reason Ive been staying away from pranking a bit
  6. I know that was fucked aha
  7. Accurate. Very accurate.
  8. aye guys ima try and post a pic of this weed I just got in a bit...Ima post it here...Its kickin my ass...Crazy potent..Just got from my kill dealer...he dont know the strand either..But god damn this shiit has that sort of puke like taste.And smells like vomit as well..Makes me cough like crazy haha..Ima do that asap
  9. ima banana

  10. That actually came about cause I had a friend who would tell people "dude stop being such a orange man...Be more like a banana"

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