Effects of constant smoking

Discussion in 'General' started by Magnuson, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. Well I finally got a vaporizer on Friday. I have pretty much been stoned every waking hour since I bought it. And I have to say I notice the effects a lot more now that I'm able to smoke this much, it used to be once or twice on weeknights because of parents being home, and on weekends I'd heavily smoke both Friday and Saturday. But I've been noticing that I'm a way happier person all the time when I'm high now, instead of being happy just when high and waiting for those precious times I could smoke. I'm way more easy-going around people the piss me off, or who I'm usually not friends with. Gotta say I can get used to this.

    Stoned and bored, just throwing some thoughts out there.
    Happy smoking everyone :smoke:
  2. I'm happy for ya! Ive been really thinking of investing in one. I'm not an everyday smoker, so my lungs take a beating every time I smoke. I just don't have the money right now. What kind do you have? How much did it cost?
  3. Thanks man. It's actually awesome and the vaporizer high is so much better for before school/during school. I even smoked a bowl before my job interview yesterday and did awesome.. it totally relaxed me and calmed me down. Got along with the manager, and supervisor completely well, and found out that both me and my manager grew up in the same area in Idaho. She told me "You're exactly the person we're looking for for this position."

    But yeah I got a vapor genie - it was 50$ at the store. It's like 50$-60$ online I think? Good buy but it eats up your lighters. And I bought a 1.5g bag this Friday with the vape, and I've used MAYBE .5g of it so far, but I've been high constantly so that's always nice.
  4. Sleepy happy and hungry!

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