Effect of OC on a shroom trip?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by chasehx, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. What up blades? I did some booms last night and while I was peaking my buddy busted out the oxy and we all did a few lines. I probably had 25mg, nothing too far out. The thing was I seemed to calm on the shrooms and stopped peaking. It killed my trip. I ate a full eighth. It's not like I stopped tripping completely, but I mellowed out. Makes sense to me that the oxy would do that. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  2. Mushrooms make your brain process things it would normally block out, while opiates make you block things out you would normally process. They aren't exactly opposites, but I could definitely see how they would work against eachother in a situation like this.
  3. I know exactly what you mean, took 2 5mg percs while peakin on the 2g of mush and noticed the whole thought racing mind-fuck of mushrooms was nearly gone

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