Education = Capitilism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Reinstate Mary, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Simply put, the people that control our country, and thus our education system, are capitalists.

    The ciriculem is fucked up by the books that teach our history, they leave major things out, or half ass a lot of important things. Like about why people decided that the country was so fucked up as it was(still is) that they decided to lose their rights as human beings to fight the government and its war/hate mongering idealistic way of running people and the world. I mean the labor movements were a way for people to get a better life, thats what my books say. I say the labor movements were a way for the people to fight against a power. A power that was holding something that, the power said to the people that the people would want it because it was better then anything elce(sounds like a buch of other things to me), that was/is the American dream.

    History that is taught in public schools doesnt go into specifics. There is no question about the significance of diffrent then the dream of any other leading/governing peoples idilogy of what is what should be and what will be, like say the religions of the past, that have carryed on to the futur. Religion says what is what should be and what will be. Why was there this separation of church and state? To create a false opposing side, not that either side has the correct proses of thought, but it was a means of making a fake ideal that mirrored what it separated from. The separation is not to be looked at as a separation at all, but rather as an expansion with different reasoning as to what is what. Because they say what is what. I know that there is a certainty of what is what in this world, but the fact that these two community's of the same creed decided to go out on a limb and say what is what based on the fact that there are no facts to prove the point or discount the point.
    State, creates its own reasons for doing things, and creates a character based on what they say is good. Church, Has a creator that has feelings like a human and fits into a certain character that governs what they say is good. I find no salvation in either of the two, and not because of what I have been taught in school, but by what I have learned from what works and what doesn't work as a means of helping everyone in the whole world. Ingniuty helps a great deal, but in those times they figured that there would be people who could do the work required to make the things that they invented, it was true, people would sacrifice a new task in the name of making it easier in the long run, like to have a train run someone would have to get the coal, and someone would have to put the coal in to the train, but its soon relized that those two factions, the people getting it and the people putting it in have to get something that is worth while out of it. Thats where money comes into play(FYI train was just an expamle that I thought of). The idea that some one who didnt want to fill the train with coal, but they wanted to eat, could be givin money to do that simple task and make it worth while. That person does not need to do that to eat of course, they can do anything that makes money or literally makes food.

    In my world order, seeds, and the fruits and what not that seeds make, would be the economy, not by products of seeds(that being paper cotton w/e the moneys made out of now a days) and certainly not metal, Because people can make useful things out of seeds, and there is a very wide verity of plants to choose from, with various reasons to choose them. On top of that plants are the necessity of life it self so it really only makes sense to make a currency that is an exchange of life. The love of money would finally be the love of life, because the money would be seeds and what seeds make. This philosophy of politics( same thing priddy much) is in direct conflict with capitalism, for extremely clear reasons, the main one being that by growing the seed one can make more seeds, and thus make more money. not a bad thing because its that dependency on money, now, that has allowed our human system to be fucked up.

    That being said, capitalists must run the country because thats some smart fuking shit that I just pick up on, It could be that I'm just that fukking smart, I mean I do have the IQ of a genius(if thats how you spell it). Capitalists because why wouldn't things that allow people to see, face value, that the world as we know it is not at a good place. And instead try to portray a false reality of life as is should be.
  2. It seems to me IQ is nothing compared to personal appreciation and enjoyment of life.
  3. Consensus history has a statist bias, as does the public education system.

    And you are proof that online IQ tests are not accurate.
  4. #4 Reinstate Mary, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2009
    Why because I got you to restate what I said? and then throw a low blow?

    Na ma brotha, u got it twisted. How it sound when U got a crown for makin someone use more muscles in they grill area then they gotta, to show emotion?
    If you cant understand that im d for the advice, but before that help is given please read that and my first post on this thread twice.
    Cas you can use ur fingers to type the question insted of scratching ur head in confusion like u got lice.

    Please dont be bring that energy to my thread, its not needed. Please calm your head down(maybe hit some piff up) and don't get a people with some really off hand remarks.

    i got you, You said some shit and then said some other shit. I got nada from you single lined answer, however true it may be.

    I'm trying to keep this in the future, not go back to what I said, if you don't want to try to explore the possabilitys then please, try to refraim from being a prick about shit. I can take it but this is not the place for it. can u feel me?
  5. Nothing like a little "statist"ics, right aaronman? You wouldn't be a fan of those would you? ;)
  6. it aint shit to it, but the fact that it can interfere and does is what im getting at, not that people cas live outside out this level of mesureing IQ, IQ is aparently something elce, I'd be d to get into that at some point.
    I have no problems reexplaining what i said. We have talked before and I know that misunderstandings are frequent on these websites and im very sure that we had one when we last talked.

    Simply Put I dont know what you know and 'vice versa'.
  7. You're completely right. Capitalists do control the country. Karl Marx made that point 200 years ago. Those who control the means of production, control society. The capitalists, the millionaires and billionaires who own all the mines, the factories, the schools, the power plants, everything. They control society, and run it in their interests.

    They feed off of our labor, like parasites, and yet contribute nothing. They just get richer, and richer, and richer, while everyone else gets poorer.

    It's a dictatorship of a minority, over the majority. The top 1% of society controls 90% of the wealth. They control the government, which are full of capitalists. When a government doesn't act in their interests, that government is replaced.

    But most of the time, the government does act in their interests, if not short term than long term. Only capitalists and capitalist-sponsored people are likely to get elected into any seat of political power. The democratic and republican parties are both capitalist parties. Parties that are lead by capitalists, funded by capitalists, and completely represent the interests of the capitalists.

    When the democratic party caters to the workers, that is simply a way to get support, or perhaps it is to secure the capitalists' power over society by "satisfying" the workers so that they don't have an uprising.

    To end this dictatorship, the working class must become class conscience, organize, and seize the means of production. We must occupy all the major industries, and give them to the democratic control of the people. We have to overthrow the government, win the support of the military, and take control over society. A society controlled by the majority, not the minority.
  8. I hear you my man, but that would be a feat of great hard ship.

    Seeds my man, U peep the seeds part?

    Seeds are a means of production, production of life ever giving organisms. I'm saying that that is the currency of an intelligent person, because its ever giving, i mean sure it takes some effort, but the return is great life. Take a note from consensus history in the eyes of the ultra suppressed people of the American state, non-violence is a great way to make change, when people do what they really want to do, which is live for the sake of life(among other things. main point is not working for some guy to get by in the world that that guy made) and not work for the companies, that are ultimately going to replace people with machines anyway, the system falls to its knees. If there are seeds to grow food who really needs money, I mean, material things nice. People who make tv and what not, can eat the tv, but most likly those people are working to buy food first and foremost. So we solve that problem by having food and a place to stay(makeshift of what have you) I know how to build a house, simple as that.

    The revolution should not be televised, because the revolution is given to us by mother nature.
  9. I'm too tired for a rap battle.
  10. #10 Deleted member 87043, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
    Sorry to burst your bubble but most revolutions die rather quickly because they become personified and the guy that seems to be the leader usually becomes the dictator. The working and middle class kick out the high class but then the middle class has to assume control because usually the working class doesn`t know how to run anything, so the middle class moves up but the working class is fucked once again, I`ve seen this pattern repeat itself in almost all revolutions, in France they replaced a monarchy with an empire, in Cuba they replaced one dictator with another and so on and so forth.

    A long term revolution is a hard thing to accomplish.
  11. its good man, just when u feeling pepery enough, holla back.
  12. #12 Reinstate Mary, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2009
    I dig it. But, the revolution that I would start would be a new form of Civil Disobedience, which is what I was referring to, that wouldn't exactly be civil disobedience at all so idk why i said that(ahh just to put a non violent, picture of a revolt, that worked). If people got together and started our own thing, based on an economy of seeds(because seeds are very very broad in category) and taking over places with massave amounts of food and growing a shit load of food for everone so that they dont have to go work for the corparations. Ahh thats it. Its a revolution against the corprations, we dont want them contrling our country in the way that they do.

    Shit, I'm D to go take over a really fuck big green house tommaro if people are D. Real talk, If 100 people is d, call it the dalmations cas Ill make it 101. Thats the first movement in the revolution. Then from there we can call people out of the crazy places they livin in, get them some food. There WILL be too many people that come.

    P.S. I got to say you didnt burst it. U got me to hone it, you know, make it better

    yo nd that 'p.s." shit it wacked out, but it serve a perpose. i guess
  13. Sorry, I generally show disrespect for self-proclaimed geniuses.

    A capitalist government only protects the people from force and fraud. Yet our government provides many various private industrial complexes with subsidies and privileges. Our economic markets are anything but 'free', we do not even have full right to the fruits of our labor.

    The 10 planks of the communist manifesto can be found in America, with the graduated income tax and centralization of credit being two that were directly implemented with the Federal Reserve in 1913.

    Since we do not have a government near capitalist, or politicians resembling capitalist, to suggest capitalism is to blame for the corruption of the market place is ignorant.

    It is statism, the use of political leverage to accomplish the economic incentive of private interests. Greed alone cannot create corruption in the market place if consumers have control, manipulation of state powers is required.

  14. My man, join the movement dude.. real talk, if u reallt got some empugh behind ya words, i know i do, then colaborate on that shit. I'm trying to kill the opression, not just get out of it. I'm a smart fucker, And my the sound of u you are too. I think you got some ideas on how to do this. However smart i may be, mad heads is better then one.
  15. I didn't read all of it but just letting you know that feds own the school system. So all in history text is full of bullshit and feeding you lies.
  16. Don't feed this thread, for the love of god, there are better topics for us to talk about.
  17. Yea, thats what I know. I appreciate the honesty but the incite is non complementary.

    How does that make you feel tho? you know, know that the books are as they are?
  18. Come on man, I'm saying that capitalists are teaching you what they want you to know, and not letting you know what you should know. As far as public education goes, I don't know about private schools, but I'm sure there on a similar agenda as i hear what friends that go to them say about them.

    The thread now is turning in to a way to combat that fact, And if you are really trying to deny that, then you my friend have shallow priority's.
  19. If your going to go through life blaming other people for your own problems you are going to get anywhere.

    You make your own education.

  20. #20 Reinstate Mary, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2009
    I do, I have come to something of a pinnacle in that area of my mind. There are things that can be done, some more radical then others, but all ending in the same place. I want to change the world for the better. I know that I am not the only one, I am not trying to claim that I am the soul of the idea that is liberty, from 'controlism' or what have you, because the idea is out there I'm just trying to innovate and initiate the movement to come out of the oppression.

    I have not blamed anyone for my problems, I have given blame for all(really not every single person on this planet, but i have no other words at this time) peoples problems, I happen to fall in with the cowed so to speak.

    In the post on that thread about the cartels nd shit, you can hear tones of that if you peep it with that idea in your mind.

    I want a system that works off of life, seeds, I mean we live in a planet -e its plant thats a stretch I know, i thought it was interesting how the e is the only difference, as far as word goes. plants are the base of our, and many many other organisms living now, if not all that we know of. And the planet is what everything has its base on[FONT=&quot][/FONT]. there priddy similar

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