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Editables question.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hampton757, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. If you eat some fire crackers, or bud brownies or w.e, do you still get red eyes? Or is red eye just from the actual smoking part.. sorry if this sounds newby, new to editables.
  2. Yes some people get it still and some people dont. But I would expect that you would get red eyes because edibles get me high as fuck.
  3. Yeah it happens.
    I'd say probably not as badly though, my eyes don't look super bloodshot or anything on edibles but they can certainly take on a reddish hue. Visine or whatever equivalent product used prior the high kicking in, coupled with a good nights sleep on the night prior, will help you keep this unnoticeable.
  4. What do brownies have to do with editing?
    It's edibles man, and yeah you might still get red eye. My eyes never get red no matter how much I smoke or eat though, so I'm just assuming that from what I've seen when my friends eyes get red lol
  5. everyone is different..

    I don't get red eyes from edibles or smoking<<

    >>Just keep the visine handy
  6. Cmon man, its obvious what i ment..
    And to everyone else, i have the worst red eye... i get asked if im high, even when im not! haha

  7. yea that is how I am too. If I toke too much the night before, the next day at school my eyes will be red without me being high. eyedrops are a lifesaver though, without them I would probably smoke a lot less.
  8. Yeah I ate a firecracker my eyes were shot :eek: most i've ever seen them too
  9. Haha i havent smoked ina week, and i still was asked by kids if i was high.. and those drops are great when you have a before school smoke, sesh aha

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