thank you guys i appreciate it, i got it now im standing here like a retard putting my eyes in different holes. how the fuck do i use this thing? lol. seriously though, all i see is a big white circle, i put the light on, i took that plastic thing on & off, no idea how to use it!
I think you're looking for this: A powerful 60-100x magnification microscope with an extremely lightweight and portable design. Features a built-in light that provides a bright, clear image and a rubberized eyepiece for comfortable viewing. Fits easily in your pocket to bring with you anywhere. * Powerful 60-100X magnification * Compact design provides easy portability * Easy-to-use controls allow for adjustable focus and zoom * Built-in light with on/off switch Illuminated Microscope - Even if your local store doesn't have it, they can order it, or you can order it online.
I use an eyelupe 7X, easy to see trichome color and also good for preflower id. Cheap, easy to use as it's about an inch or so in diameter and a couple inches long, hold in your fingers and put it right up to the flower without touching and you can see anything you want to see. Also known as jewlers lupe or eyepiece, i have a dozen of them held over from my work in the electronics industry. Hope you don't see any bugs or male flowers!!!
I use the same one potlord posted the link for. On it are two adjustments, one for magnification and one for focus. What I do is put it on the lowest magnification setting, put right up to your hand barely touching it, and set the focus until it's clear. That way u won't be all hunched over with a hot light on the back of your neck while you're tryin to get the damn thing in focus!! Lol. But it's pretty cheap and my local radioshack had them in stock. The worker at radioshack didn't have a clue what I was talkin about or where it was so I just looked for awhile before I found it, so just because they say they don't have it doesn't mean they don't. Like most every other store clerk, they're just robots that only know how to take your money!! Good luck man
Ebay $4.21 Shipped >>> 30x 21mm Jewelers Eye Loupe Magnifier Magnifying glass - eBay (item 360194323701 end time Jan-28-10 16:18:11 PST)
thank you guys i appreciate it, i got it now im standing here like a retard putting my eyes in different holes. how the fuck do i use this thing? lol. seriously though, all i see is a big white circle, i put the light on, i took that plastic thing on & off, no idea how to use it!
Grab a piece of paper or something and lay it on a flat surface Turn the bottom wheel until you see whatever is on the paper comes into focus Turn the Top wheel to make what you are looking at bigger or smaller (zoom) You will have to refocus if you change the zoom level. Now do that same thing with a sugar leaf. Hope that helps edit/p.s. Btw these are directions for the one someone linked that was at radio shack, if you have a different one it will work slightly different.
i appreciate it man, but sadly it didn't work. i dont know what im doing wrong? all i see is a white circle! and my microscope came with no directions, and i dont see any on that site. this fuckin succkkkkks ahh
If you have that one from radio shack (need to confirm that so we're on the same page) .... Just in case you have never used a microscope at all... You are looking through the viewfinder at the top right? If yes then: Try moving the actual microscope around a bit until you can see something in that circle of white light. I noticed that my new one doesn't line up quite right. Whatever I'm looking at has to be near the back of the focus ring. If you are looking at a plain sheet of white paper or a white surface there won't be anything to see really so something with print on it, or a bit of color.
ya its the radio shack 1 bro. i have a white piece of paper and have a little bud out of my little gram of head smoke and i have that on the white paper and im tryin to see it but i cant hmm i gotta keep tryin
Make sure the Eye peice is in focus, then increase or decrease the magnification etc.. If you get it to work and then wonder what you should be looking for, or at.. Try this video