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Edibles ineffective on girlfriend

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ogrod42, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 ogrod42, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    At the start of this semester I picked up some edibles from my friend's dealer (they were chocolate truffles..6 for $20.00). He told me that one was good for him to be decently high. Now normally I know you shouldn't buy edibles because of the variation in potency and whatnot, but my friend had good experiences with buying from him and these were mainly for my girlfriend (who is interested in edibles, but not smoking/vaping).

    Basically on three separate occasions she tried them. The first time she ate 3/4s of one, the second time she ate 1.25, and the third time she ate one. The first time she just got really warm and the other two times there was no effect. For comparative purposes, it took 1.75 truffles for me to feel anything (gave me a headache at the same time though).

    So I've reached the conclusion that I was ripped off and have turned to making firecrackers myself. My question is, could it be possible that my girlfriend has unusually high tolerance to edibles? Since I'm making my own I have control over how much to put in. I was thinking .5g - 1g of dank and trying it out myself to check the potency (don't want her freaking out or anything).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really want to have sex with her while we're both high.
  2. #2 Fumar Verde, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011

    Do this and you will know for sure if her metabolism keeps her from getting high:

    Follow my guide:
    Fumar Verde's Detailed Firecracker Thread /w Pics - Forums

    if you are using dank, use .5 on yours and hers. Make sure the dank is grinded very powdery, and that you get all the little kief bits onto the firerackers. Also, weigh it, don't eyeball it. You'd be surprised how many people think they are putting .5-.6 in their firecrackers, just to weigh it out and find out its .3 or so.
  3. Thanks for the information. I was actually going to use your recipe tonight when I make it. If I don't have a scale or anything is there something visual I could use to eyeball it?
  4. how much does she weigh?? that could be the problem.
    im pretty skinny and maybe i think cuz not enough fat for the thc to bind to??
    cuz when i get edibles i need to eat alot.
    let her have bout 4-5 of those truffles.she will be super baked after. so try to keep her calm and not get a panic attack
  5. She's about 4'11" and weighs about 105-110 pounds. She's not super skinny for her height, but she is definitely slim. And she's asian, if that matters.

    Also, I'm all out of the truffles so I'm resorting to making something myself. I really want to avoid her freaking out because this is kind of a big step for her (trying marijuana that is).
  6. Maybe the truffles just werent cooked right? It sounds like your girl probably isnt a heavy smoker, so a properly cooked brownie or truffle or whatever shoulda definitely got her high. :smoke:
  7. i remember hearing that girls need more weed to get high,i don't remember where/who i heard it from
  8. Well seeing as it was my idea and the truffles didn't work out I'm moving onto another option.
  9. I have a high tolerance to edible weed too...generally I just stay away from them unless its given to me...that way I don't feel ripped off
  10. wow she is tiny >.<
    i guess 3 truffles then.
    first time i got high was with big ol piece of edible too haha and it was in school:D
    idk if she would freak out.well i kinda did little cuz its a new experience.
    just make sure she has had a decent meal before.and after she gets high have a sandwich and juice handy for the MASSIVE MUNCHIES hahaha.
    i was def munchin on the discussing school lunch but it tasted heavenly lol
  11. Well my friend and I made a batch of brownies using a combination of vaped weed, kief, and some high quality weed. They've been tested and two definitely work for a while, so hopefully sometime this week I'll know if I was ripped off, or if she has a high tolerance.
  12. I would suggest getting a quad or so of some mids and baking all of that into a batch of brownies. I cut the pan into 12 or 16 pieces. I forgot.

    My girl got a little excited/greedy with it being her first time eating she had two :rolleyes: All i can say is that she was GONE. She was too sick gone to even do anything. Now she knows better. I had two of the brownies i made and i was high for a good..9+hrs. I didnt think I was gonna be that high for that long but yea what do i know lol. I couldnt even look my teacher in the eye when he was explaining how to use the machines I was on :eek:

    Its better to make your own edibles anyways I think. I just can't trust people enough with food I eat. At least when you do it yourself, you know whats going in it.

    BTW. for $20, what kind of bud was put into those truffles?
  13. lmao!
  14. hahaha i lol'd hard at that too. not that there's anything wrong with it..but it was so unexpected..

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