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Edible on plane to Texas? (need advice ASAP!)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by krowned, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 krowned, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Well I have my Ca Doctors Rec. but im flying to Houston, Texas at 6am tomorrow morning out of San DIego. Now i bought a few edibles to bring with me so im able to sleep at night since i have insomnia and pain.
    So, what would be the best way to bring them? I figured in my checked luggage right?
    they are all sealed in plastic bags that have the flip top with glue that seal them. they also have labels on them, i will cut the labels so it only has the part that says "peanut butter chocolate bar" etc.
    please reply quick
  2. Throw a couple other snacky things in there with them, you should be fine. I flew through a few airports in cali, including SD, with no problems with them sealed up and surrounded by other snacks in my checked bag full of clothes and stuff. Just act casual with it.
  3. yeah they have no reason to be suspicious about your baked goods
  4. alright cool, thats what i figured. it will be in my checked bag full of clothes. and my xbox. now i was also considering putting about a half gram or so of small nugs tucked into the battery compartment of my xbox controllers. what do you think of that?
    remember, this will be in my luggage that i check. it will not be carried on.
  5. Probably not a good idea. This would just increase your chances of people knowing you have marijuana on a plane.

    Although that might not be a bad thing:smoke:

    But don't do that.
  6. They searched my checked luggage the last time I flew. Tore the lining out of my suitcase doing it, and left a note in the bag.
  7. I don't know about San Diego, but SF and Oakland let you fly out with up to 8oz. if you have a doctor's rec. They don't care where you're taking it and won't call the cops at your destination.

    That said, if your stuff is all in edibles don't even worry about it. Eat one in the security line and enjoy your flight :smoke:

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