Ed Schultz: 'I'd cheat to keep these bastards out'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by maxrule, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Ed Schultz: 'I'd cheat to keep these bastards out'

    This is why I can't stand the demarcate party and and many of the CHEATING jerkwads that make up it's leadership ranks.

    I believe that Shultz is openly calling for democrat voters to cheat in this upcoming special election. This Senate seat is important to the Dems and they are very desperate to continue the Obama agenda in spite of the wishes of the American people.

    You can bet your asses that Shultz and many of his Democrat companions would cheat to get it.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB3j9fpTKkk]YouTube - MSNBC's Schultz- I'd Cheat To Keep Brown From Winning In Massachusetts[/ame]

    Ed Schultz: I'd cheat to keep Brown from winning - Water Cooler - Washington Times
  2. Gee, another person nobody on here cares about saying something stupid, I can do the same thing all day broseph, it's not necessary.
  3. Yeah man it's only Dems and liberals who do this. You sure know your Democrats.

    Rush Limbaugh, a proud and noble conservative with a mighty penis would never do anything even remotely like this!
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  4. Yada Yada Yada. :rolleyes:

    Limbaugh has never called for Republicans to cheat.
  5. Wait, "the demarcate party"?

    de·mar·cate (d-märkt, dmär-kt)
    tr.v. de·mar·cat·ed, de·mar·cat·ing, de·mar·cates
    1. To set the boundaries of; delimit.
    2. To separate clearly as if by boundaries; distinguish: demarcate categories.

    I would've gone with dumbocrat; maybe demoncrat.

    No, Limbaugh is more of a saboteur than a cheater. Didn't he endorse Hillary or something like that in '08 ? ;)
  6. He encouraged it in the last election.

    Dude people on both sides put out so much bullshit, It's not just dems or republicans, its both of them.

    Yada yada, who cares what some news caster said about something anyway man its the exact same thing. The only difference is the president is a democrat so you feel like your rebeling against the government or something.

  7. We all know that the only thing that Republicans cheat on is on their wives. :p
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  8. I'm not going to lie, the fact that Ed Schultz merely said he's willing to help aid in cheating, and the fact that this is going unpunished is really irresponsible. I don't buy into the left versus right drama that goes on in this forum, but this is really in another league. When you host a prime time television show, you just don't openly admit you'd cheat to keep the other guys out of power. It's kind of appalling, actually.
  9. Who cares really, MSNBC, is the jerk off chanel for democrats, just like 80% of all news outlets, you cant believe anything you hearon these chanels and what you see, about half is real.
  10. max, do you honestly believe the "right" is any better?

  11. People on the right don't talk like that. I don't hear Hannity, OReily or even Ann Coulter talking like that and openly advocating cheating and people love to hate them.

    Limbaugh's operation chaos was during the primary and wasn't even his idea. That's not the same thing as voting multiple times which I know that Democrats love to do.

    I've been around long enough to know that Dems do cheat. Acorn was the perfect example in the last election.

    Hell its nearly always Democrats that fight to throw out military absentee ballots as in Florida 2000. :rolleyes:

    After every election, especially the presidential elections you will find numerous articles about missing voting machines, discovered boxes of ballots and pets, prisoners and dead people voting almost exclusively Democrat all over the country.

    Don't you guys recall how Superman, Batman and the entire Cowboys roster was registered to vote for Obama in precincts all over the country?

    You can do a Google news search but it appears that the Internet has already been scrubbed. :rolleyes:

  12. I'll bet that old Ted got to cast his vote again. :rolleyes:

  13. This is for max:

    republicans are thieves, bastards, con artists, cheaters, selfish, religious fanatics, anti-government, pro-war, anti-environment, liars, pro-corporations, and racists, etc

    There is no comparison between Ed Shultz and the Fox News neocons nuts: O'reilly and others.
  14. #14 TheDankery, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    Democrats are all of the above, with the exception of "anti-government"... how the hell you lump a good thing like "anti-government" with bad things like "con artist" and "pro-war"? Both parties unceasingly seek to expand the power of the state.

    Anyway, both parties are largely made up of pro-government, pro-interventionist religious fanatics, corporatist racists and all-around bad people.

    Can we get off of this two party - which is really like one party-- bullshit? The beliefs and aspirations of humans are far too diverse and varied to be confined by one party or two parties or three or five or ten...
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  15. yeah its all the democrats...dont get me started..feed the poor! give the poor free money! let them sit on their asses all day and get unemployment checks! tax the hard working! fuck you obama!
  16. For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto - Murray N. Rothbard

    Democrats have been liars/cheats from the get-go. No surprise.

    Republicans are really no better, though.

    Both modern parties are founded in fallacy. Most democrats and republicans don't even know much about their own party's history.

    Both parties suck, and they've more or less merged into a single symbiotic entity if only to maintain perpetual control and continue to increase the size and scope of government.

    So I don't understand the constant creation of threads, or debates, like this dealing with what some left/right douchebag said or implied on TV, as if it was completely unexpected or some new and terrible transgression on behalf of whatever respective party they represent.

    They're all the same, and whatever minor differences they may appear to have from one day to the next; they aren't differences of principle, they're differences of convenience.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. wait....since when did we have a two party system, could have sworn they were both branches of the same tree.

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