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Ecstasy and alcohol

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by kishou, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Hey i'm just wondering but does anyone here have any experience with combining alcohol and ecstasy? If so how was it? Did it make you roll harder? I'm thinking of trying this combo this weekend and then going to a club.
  2. I've never done this but I'm pretty sure it is very dangerous because any pill with any alcohol is not a good combination.
  3. i popped 2 and around 5 hours later i got drunk one night
    i didnt really notice anything bad but i wouldnt recomend it

  4. did it kill the roll?
  5. Save the alcohol for the comedown. If anything it will take away from the roll to some extent, but shouldn't have too much of an affect on your roll other than that. You'll just be REALLY Euphoric, and REALLY drunk lmao!
  6. i did the same thing, poped two and drank later
    and i was with this "zach" character who posted

    it dosnt kill the roll, especially since it was 5 hours later i was off my peak

    i suggest doing it before
    i dont recommend it, but i suggest it?

  7. i got weed and benzos for the comedown lol. How would it take away from the roll?
  8. Its amazing. Your so fucking wrecked though. Your stupid as hell, horny, and happy+loving. What are the odds you think that your descicion making skills would be the same? ;D
    Its fun though. I cant really do much if im smashed and on tabs though, its like hard to do anything for me... but worth a try.
  9. When me and my friend bought two pink stars ($20 a piece but 2 for $45:rolleyes:), we didn't have any money left for weed so we ended drinking a shit load of beers.

    It took a while to kick in but when it did, mother of god, I felt so good.

    I cant wait til I do it again, definitely gonna have to go to a rave next time... and smoke weed with it... and drop acid or shrooms with it.:D
  10. my only experience is i've drank but rolled after when i was pretty much sober (about 4 hours after drinking 10 beers and smoking some bowls)

  11. whyd you pay $45 for 2, when one was $20?
  12. Its ridiculous how much people jack up prices of mdma.
    here its 40$ for a gram of pure mdma, like wtf?!
  13. It's a bad idea. Alcohol dehydrates you, so even though you may feel fine during the night (I've done this), the next day will ABSOLUTE HELL. It was seriously the worst hangover I've ever had in my life. Made me never want to do e again (I haven't taken a roll since then, only molly). I was throwing up all day and felt like absolute shit, I couldn't even drag myself out of bed to pack myself a bowl.
  14. Man, fuckin fake ass wanna-be gangsta drug dealin rich kid thinking he knows how to make money, you know how it is with these kinds of people.

    My friend was the one who picked it up, I was pissed when he told me that cuz we could've had at least a 5 sack that night. And we didn't have anybody else to buy from neither.
  15. I've done this and you don't really feel the alcohol unless you drink a ton, but I would never recommend mixing ecstasy and alcohol.. adding alcohol to the situation and just adding more shit for your body to go through is just not worth it, ecstasy is plenty amazing by itself, no need to add extra danger to the situation.
  16. :rolleyes: drinking doesnt take away from the roll...

    and is theoretically dangerous but definitely fun. i've done it on multiple occasions. my advice: roll harder than you drink.
  17. If you decide to do this, drink LOTS of water.
    i've been rollin then had some beers and boy, did i sure feel even better after those beers. almost as if i was actually rolling harder. probably just had an big increase in euphoria tho.
    but i still don't advise this combo.
  18. That's just fucking retarded. You have no idea what that pill is cut with, and you have no idea how it's going to react with the alcohol... it's just risky and stupid to mix them.
  19. Ecstasy dehydrates you, so does alcohol. So just keep hydrated and don't over do the alcohol and you should have a good time.
  20. xtc and alcohol is completely fucking stupid...think about it thiss way...either u drink a lot and get wayyy to dehydrated and possibly die...or u drink a little...still get dehyradrated and feel no alcohol bc ur rolling...dont be retarded...when ur rolling just blaze and dont drink

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