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Ecstacy help

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by didier12, May 29, 2009.

  1. So doing some Ecstacy for the first time tonight.
    Just wanna know what to expect really positives and negatives?
    Plus also is psychedelic rock any good on it?
  2. Haha, everything sounds good. Make sure you are with you friends and bumpin some tunes. Smoke weed after 5-6 hours for a good time.
  3. Cheers pal + rep, I take it weed makes the comedown easier, I doubt it could be worse than a DOB comedown. How bad exactly are E comedowns and btw it will probs be pretty strong E. :smoking:
  4. The comedown actually isn't bad at all, you get kindof uncomfertable and are like, damn I wished I still felt like that. Smoking weed dosen't only help, it makes you trip out, at least in my experience.
  5. #5 Iceni Toker, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    Psycadelic rock will definately be enjoyable, as will any music really, if possible listen to music through some earphones as you walk around! Try smoking a menthol ciggerette as they taste amazing and wave the ember around infront of your face if you want to trip out a bit. Also i'd suggest going outside at some point, with music if you can and just walk around. It will be awsome, go for a little run around the garden for a sudden rush that feels great. Comedown isn't really that bad at all, just a little spaced out for a couple of days and a little tired. Smoke some weed and you'll feel alright. Oh yeah and have a sweet tasting, awsome drink of your choice handy at all times,things like fruit juice taste amazing and they're great if you have a dry throat or you're just thirsty.

    Edit: Oh yeah don't just sit on the computer or watch tv on E. Look up some other great things to do and try them, it's always the little things you do that feel amazing on E just sitting and watching somthing will be boring as shit.

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