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Ebb and Flow, need a Dr. In the house

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by chef423, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. #1 chef423, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    7 days in.... Anyone care to take a stab... Over watering? I clone in macro plugs then right into hydroton after rooting . Was flooding every hour for 15mins. Then backed it down to 3 floods a day just recently.

    Clones were taken from an over nueted mother...using Dutch Masters Gold line... 200ppm I'm at currently with a 5.5 pH adjusting 2x a day. 72 degree room 45 humidity. I use chlorine evaporated city water that is about 25ppm (mountain runoff). Very clean.

    Grew in hydro for 6 yrs then took about 3 yrs off... I used to always flood for. 15 drain/off for 45 per hour with no issues, ever. So why now am I feeling this is a part over watering issue?

    I think the over nueted mother is the main issue....since I have flush and gotten her right. Retaking clones in a few days just in case. But still would love to save these, they look very doable, just need a second, or 3rd and so on opinions. Ty



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  2. No one?

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  3. #3 OckhamsRazor, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
    If you've got pH covered, I'd leave them alone. The new growth looks healthy.

    If you're worried about a few bad leaves, go out into nature and count all the plants you can find without one bad leaf. There aren't any :). If you were watering a lot and backed it off, wait them out. I have no idea how much you should flood using just hydroton...mine are in rockwool which I then pot in hydroton - that way the roots always have oxygen.

    Good luck with the grow!
  4. Mine are in macro plugs into hydroton... Ty for the reply

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  5. Well you're on site and can make the best assessment - especially if you have 6 years under your belt. I'd just wait them out - if you're sure your nute situation is right, it'll work itself out.

    I would recommend posting your nutrient situation in EC instead of PPM since PPM readings are dependent on which conversion the device taking the measurement is using. There are 2 - .5, and .7. PPM = EC * Conversion factor. So if your ec were 1.0' one meter would say 700ppm and the other would say 500ppm. Need to know which you have :)
  6. Yes you're correct about EC. I USE a Bluelab Trucheon. EC. 04

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  7. Yeah, Im with the other dude... you seem to have it covered. If anything, its probably residual effects from the over-nuted mother. Your new growth looks fine.

    Unrelated, how do you like the Truncheon? I feel like stumbling across this thread was a sign, since I was just about to look into getting one.
  8. Bluelab IS the industry leader. RUN and buy yourself one, worth every penny. And I have used many. Reads perfect every time, durable as heck too. Mine is 4 yrs old and works like new still. pH pens ill skimp on, cause test strips never lie. But your EC is very important.

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  9. #9 passthebilly, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2013
    I used the gold range aswell. I would suggest adding silica. Increase your EC, you should be at nearly full strength by now according to the dutch master calculator. I can see lack of nitrogen among other deficiencies in those pics.

    I've even given clones full strength right away after rooting and no nute burn.

    Their growers guide is very useful:
  10. Yes I have the calculator but I always go lower strength than the site says I will increase in see what happens. I did add Silica last week thanks for the advice

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  11. Thanks for all the replys everyone, as much as I do know, if love learning little tweaks from peeps and grow techniques/philosophys.

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