Eating Raw Chicken

Discussion in 'General' started by J-DILLA, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I ate some bbq wings earlier and realized they still had blood left in them halfway through my plate. What are the chances of developing food poisoning? what can I eat to reduce the chances of it happening?
  2. How many chicken wings did you consume? I eat sushi like a mad man, I have also eaten raw beef in small amounts. I wouldn't worry too much.
  3. I had about 5 or so. They were all cooked on the outside but a few had more than a bit of bood inside.
  4. they were just rare, you will be fine.
  5. I ate three quarters of this pretty big chicken strip raw not to long ago. I never got sick. It was gross when I realized it though.
  6. i hope the GC J-Dilla doesnt die young like the real J-Dilla :(

    good luck.

  7. Sushi and beef don't have salmonella.

    I guarantee you've never been served raw chicken.
  8. I guarantee he'll be fine. I sincerely doubt he'll get salmonella from this.

  9. yeah, sushi and steak tartare are common foods. raw chicken is not at all.

    op, if you are going to get sick, you'll feel it in about 12 hours, probably tomorrow morning.
    my heart goes out to you man, only time will tell if you got it or not.
    try not to worry though, the stomach is pretty powerful and may kill the bacteria before it can affect you (if the chicken had salmonella)
    i will say drink lots of water now, you may need the hydration later..
  10. The chicken was cooked enough on the outside, I really highly doubt he's going to be sick. if he gets sick I will shove a television remote up my ass and record it. If he doesn't, one of you has to. :p
  11. take it from a cook..ur alright
  12. #12 korey, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Man, I whip up lipton onion mix burgers sometimes, and while I'm making patties my high ass can't resist to munch on a few pieces of raw beef mixed with lipton onion. ^_^

    I've eaten a few bloody chicken legs before(undercooked turkey at ren fest as well, horrible) and I think you'll be fine dude. :)
  13. Ive eaten thousands upon thousands of raw eggs back when i used to pump iron...i never got prolly immune to it infact after doing that..i dont know..

    Im sure youll be fine.. Ive eatin raw steak/ raw chicken plenty of times when i was drunk, out camping somewhere...hah
  14. LOL @ lipton OPINION....
  15. Warning: The consumption of raw chicken can lead to AIDS.
  16. #16 XVIPimp, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Wouldn't it be too late anyway ?
  17. You can eat fish alive if they live in a clean water supply. Chicken on the other hand is what we call my work "the most contaminating product".

    When we clean up the mess from cutting fresh chicken breasts, we bleach down the entire area, so my only suggestion is bleach, but that would kill you, so I'm gonna sit this one out.

  18. haha, my bad, man :smoke:
  19. It doesnt matter if it was cooked on the outside, if the chicken doesnt get to 165, which would be fully cooked, then there can still be traces of salmonella, just cause its cooked on the outside dont mean its safe to eat, and other poster was also right, raw fish (sushi) and beef is nothing like chicken
  20. Oh, Christ...I've had Salmonella before. Its about 36 hours of sitting on the toilet with liquid waste purging from your shanks, only to have a bucket in your lap, puking at the same time.

    Ah, yes...under-cooked chicken...never again.

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