Easy Vape? please help

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by PotBlazinSwimmr, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Ok so i got an easy vape vaporizer and I've had some trouble using it, i put it at 280 F, which I've herd is perfect, and im not really getting vapors, i let it heat up forever but still nothing? Also is it ok for the weed to touch the heating part of the vape? Please help!
  2. Try turning it up to about 365-370ish. That's what we had to do with my friends vape
  3. when i got my 1st vape it was a cheapo and the temp readout was inaccurate. i put the weed in and started low, increasing until it vaped. then i marked the spot w/ a sharpie.

    this should do the trick
  4. I pre heat mine in the morning whilst I shower to 380. Also make sure you stir it up every now and then-you'll be surprised at how it keeps vapin. My silver one, Lady Vape, can go steady off of one pack for an hour+. I once fell asleep with the bell laying on the couch by my lips-wonder how much Vape I inhaled while I slept? Haha
  5. You're going to want to increase the temp to about 370.

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